Grip (The Driven World) - Lacey Black Page 0,79


I cut her a look. She’s floating on her back as well, our fingertips dangerously close. “Beautiful,” I find myself saying, but not about the night. About her.

Lena feels my eyes on her and turns. There’s an electricity that passes through the water, zapping my limbs and my groin. The air turns heavy and weighs down my chest. Our fingers touch in the water, and that’s all it takes. I’m not sure who moves first, her or me, but she’s in my arms, her legs wrapped around my waist in no time. My lips crashing into hers, a frenzy of lust bolting through me as I move us to the side of the pool.

With her pressed into the plastic, I devour her sweet mouth with my own. Our tongues slide against each other’s, our lips nipping and sucking. My hands hold her ass, my cock so fucking hard and ready between us. Lena grinds her hips, seeking out any sliver of friction she can find, and my dick is all too eager to provide it.

“Fuck,” I groan as she gyrates against me. She keeps doing that and I’m liable to explode much sooner than preferred.

“Yes. That. Let’s do that,” she pants, grazing her teeth over my Adam’s apple.

By some miracle force, I pull back and meet her gaze. Her eyes are dilated and heavily lidded, a look of pure desire on her gorgeous face. But before I do anything, I have to know this is what she wants. As much as I’d hate to do this—with her, nonetheless—if she’s looking to compartmentalize this, to fuck, I can do that. Let the record show, I don’t want to. I’d always rather make love to her, but if this is what she needs, I’m her man. I can provide a service, a relief, without the strings and entanglements.

No one knows how to categorize a lay like I do.

I’ve done it for three years.

But even I know that’s not what this is.

Not really.

She’ll always be so much more than a quick fuck.

She’ll always be the love of my life.

The one who got away.

“You sure?” I ask, panting.

“Definitely,” she whispers, leaning forward and kissing my chin. “Fuck me, Mack.”

That’s all it takes. I’m pushing my wet underwear down with one hand and trying to move hers aside with my other. There’s a slickness to her pussy, and I’m not talking about the water. With her legs wrapped around my waist and my underwear floating away, I focus on pushing up that sports bar and baring her sweet tits. My mouth descends, sucking hard on the tiny hard nipples like a man possessed.

“Water makes a horrible lubricant,” she gasps, pressing her nipple farther into my mouth.

“You’re right.” I lick and tease it before letting it go with a pop. I move us through the water and to the ladder. “Climb up,” I instruct, hating the ache my body feels when she unwraps her legs and steps up on the first wrung. “One more,” I demand, pulling her cotton panties down her legs as she goes. When she’s two steps up and her sweet ass is above the water, I add, “Lean forward. Place your elbows on the platform.”

She does as instructed and glances over her shoulder. She’s on display, her ass in the air, and when I slide my finger through her pussy, she’s soaking wet. A little moan of pleasure fills the night air as I step up the ladder one wrung. My cock is so fucking hard, so fucking ready. “Stay leaning forward, Lean, or this ladder won’t stay flat on the ground.”

It’s a tight fit on the platform, but she doesn’t seem to care. She leans on her elbows and braces herself. My fingers slip inside her pussy, making sure she’s good and wet. I can already feel her gripping me and can’t wait another second to experience her tightness on my cock. I line myself up from behind and press forward. It’s the most glorious fucking feeling in the world because it’s her.

My Lena.

I brace one forearm on the railing of the ladder for stability and thrust all the way in. Her warmth consumes me, calling me home. With my other hand on her side, I let my hips do all the talking. My movements are frantic, my pace swift and hard. The water laps at my thighs, and I swear the ladder is one thrust away from possibly breaking, but I don’t slow down. I can’t. She’s all I see, Copyright 2016 - 2024