A Good Yarn Page 0,33

rushing into the spotless living room where Elise was reading to her grandsons. "Where did you put the vanilla?"

Sighing, Elise set aside The Hobbit. "It's in the cupboard next to the stove, right-hand side."

"It isn't there!" More panic.

"Aurora," Elise said with infinite patience as she made her way into the kitchen. "It's exactly where I said it was. Look again." To prove her point, she opened the cupboard, extracted the small bottle of vanilla and handed it to her daughter. "What are you baking?"

"Carrot cake - it's Dad's favorite."

Elise had baked it for Maverick years ago and passed the recipe on to Aurora. As a matter of course, she no longer baked or ate carrot cake because - well, because of the memories. He'd always been so grateful, so loving afterward. Those were the times she most yearned to forget. Over the years, she'd clung to the disappointments and the worry because that made it easier to justify the divorce. But Elise had loved that man, loved him until she was sure she'd lose her mind if she stayed married to him.

"Thanks, Mom," Aurora said, and held her gaze a moment longer than necessary. Sighing, she added, "I know this is difficult for you."

"Don't worry," Elise said. "I'll stay out of your father's way as much as possible. All I ask is that you not try to drag me into this reunion." The next few weeks would be uncomfortable, but she suspected he'd be just as eager to avoid her.

"I won't, I promise."

"Thank you." With that Elise returned to the living room where Luke and John were wrestling on the newly vacuumed carpet. They'd already knocked over a stack of magazines, which she quickly righted. "Boys, boys," she cried, clapping her hands. "Settle down." Her grandsons reluctantly obeyed. John climbed into her lap and settled in the crook of her arm as she reached for the book. At six he wouldn't do this much longer, and she treasured these special moments.

Predictably, Maverick arrived an hour late with all the fanfare of Hannibal crossing the Alps. Voice booming "Hello," he came through the front door pulling his suitcase, arms laden with gifts. Luke and John were instantly at his side screeching and leaping up and down, seeking his attention and, of course, the gifts.

It'd been...twenty years since Elise had last seen him. He'd planned to attend Aurora and David's wedding, but his flight was cancelled because of a winter storm. Elise had always wondered if it was the blizzard or a poker game that had changed his plans. Both Luke and John were born in the middle of important poker tournaments; he'd sent huge floral arrangements at their births, as if that would make up for his absence.

Elise had intended to retreat to her room when he arrived, but she found herself rooted to the spot, unable to look away. Maverick's red hair was shockingly white now. He had a well-trimmed beard, also white. He'd maintained every inch of his six-foot frame and seemed to be in good health. Elise faltered, resisting the magnetic pull she'd always experienced whenever he was close. She'd learned in the most painful manner that Maverick was not to be trusted, least of all with her heart. Yes, she'd loved this man, perhaps still loved him, but he was wrong for her. That was an undeniable, irrevocable fact, one she didn't dare ignore.

The next minute, Maverick was hugging both boys and Aurora. He made a production of doling out his gifts, as if it were Christmas morning and he was Santa. The boys dropped to the floor and tore into their packages, while Aurora carried her smaller box into the living room. She sat sideways in the recliner and opened the lid. Elise admitted to being curious, so she lingered in the hallway.

"Oh, Daddy," Aurora said in a soft voice. Elise watched as her daughter lifted out a single teardrop-shaped black pearl on a long gold chain. "It's beautiful...just beautiful." Her voice caught, and looking up at her father with adoration, Aurora whispered, "I'll treasure it always."

This was better than any jewelry he'd ever given Elise. Not that it mattered. Seeing how generous he was now, she could tell that Maverick was on a winning streak. Easy come, easy go. And it went with surprising ease, as Elise remembered all too well.

Against her will, she found her gaze drawn to his. Neither spoke for the longest moment. She felt an odd sensation as they stared into

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