Good To Be Bad (Good Love #3) - Lili Valente Page 0,17

in, instead of this three-day sex fest you declined.”

“It pained me to decline,” she says, all flirty again. “Seriously. Real, genuine pain.”

“Oh, it pained me too. But I plan on teasing you over lunch, getting you all hot and bothered, so you’ll be begging for a quickie after the sandwich. How does that sound?”

She sidles up against me. “You’re making me hungry.” She shifts into a practical mode. “How’s eleven on Wednesday? I usually take a lunch break then. Between the morning and the afternoon rush.” She motions out the window behind her. “I own Sweetie Pies, the pie shop on the corner.”

I startle for a moment, but school my expression.

“How perfect is that?” I ask, a slow grin spreading across my face, suddenly glad I didn’t mention the location of my new business when we arrived at her apartment.

At the time I hadn’t wanted to distract from the pressing business of delivering her second orgasm as soon as possible—or introduce information that might complicate matters later. If the sex had been awful, I figured I could keep an eye on the walk and arrange not to be out and about on the street at the same time as my new neighbor.

But the sex was amazing, and we seem to be on the exact same, low-stress-casual-dating page.

She laughs. “Well, I think it’s pretty perfect. It’s my baby.” She tilts her head, her brow knitting. “But why is that perfect? Have you been in for a slice? Maybe on a Sunday or occasional Monday morning when I wasn’t working because, I would have remembered you,” she says, wagging a finger.

I smile wider. “No. I haven’t been in yet. But I’ve passed by several times and always admired the cartoon on your sandwich board outside. The curvy woman in the pink dress makes sense now.” I roam my gaze over her, the inspiration for the illustration I’ve had a bit of a thing for.

She rolls her eyes. “Thanks. My cousin drew it. Thought it would be good for branding. So far, she’s been right. Online orders are way up since we switched the logo on Valentine’s Day this year.”

“Brilliant,” I say, her words reminding me I should probably have some cute menus designed as well. A minimalist by nature, a heavy cream card stock with daily offerings typed out with my vintage typewriter appeals to my sensibilities, but the customers in this area might expect something more whimsical.

“It’s been a great few months.” Her gaze flicks down my bare chest to my suit pants and back up again, her naughty grin returning. “And a great night.”

“So great,” I agree, curling my fingers around her hip and pulling her close.

“You know, just because I can’t go home with you,” she begins, looping her arms around my neck, “doesn’t mean you can’t stay the night here if you want. We could sleep in, have lazy morning sex, and when we wake up, we can order pie and coffee delivered from this super cute shop on the corner.”

I admit I’m relieved. At first, I thought she was a see-you-later-er. Or a wham bam-thank-you-sir-er. But what she’s describing suits my speed these days.

“Sounds perfect.” I cup her ass as I bend, brushing my lips over hers, electricity bristling across my skin as we touch.

And then her scent is flooding my head again—flowers and spice, now with a top note of sex. She smells like a woman who’s been thoroughly ravaged, salty and sticky and oh so sweet.

I forget about everything but making her come for me again, this time with her hands braced on the kitchen sink while I play with her tits and take her from behind, whispering filthy things about how good her tight, wet little pussy feels on my cock when I’m fucking her. Promising I’m going to fuck her until she can’t stand upright on her own.

And I always keep my promises.

We’re up until nearly four a.m., and by the time I wake in the morning, Gigi’s gone.

But there’s a note on her pink flamingo sheets.

Delivery was going to take 45 minutes, so I ran down the street to get coffee and pie myself. Be back in a jiff. Feel free to leave your clothes off. My coconut cream is delicious licked off all the places I want to lick you. Xo -Gigi

Grinning, I swing my legs out of bed and hurry to throw on my clothes, determined to dash across the street to my shop to grab some tea and be Copyright 2016 - 2024