Good To Be Bad (Good Love #3) - Lili Valente Page 0,16

visit my grandmother tomorrow too. I’ve been so busy I haven’t seen her in almost two weeks.”

“I haven’t seen my grandmother in months. I doubt she’s even noticed. Time goes by fast when you’re old. Or so she tells me.”

Her eyes narrow. “I love Gram. And spending time with her.”

“I love my nan too. She’s an incredible human, who would completely understand if I needed to have a three day stay at home sex holiday with a beautiful woman instead of coming to play croquet with her on the back lawn. She’d encourage it, in fact.”

“Nice. I’d like to dispense sex encouragement when I’m a grandmother. Also, I see we’re up to three days now?” Gigi asks with a laugh. She cocks her head, nibbling her lip in that slightly shy way that makes me want to kiss her. But so far, a lot of her mannerisms have that effect on me. “I would love to spend three days in your bed, but…”

“But what?” I ask, easing back a bit, giving her space. There’s a serious note in her voice I haven’t heard before. Did I read her wrong when she asked for another time? She hesitates and I encourage gently, “Whatever’s on your mind, you can tell me. I enjoy honesty outside the bedroom too.”

She fiddles with the silky tie on her fluffy feathered robe, the one that makes her look like a 1950’s movie star between takes on set. “You’re…incredible.”

“I was thinking the same about you,” I say. “But… I’m definitely hearing a but in there somewhere.”

Her lips curve, but her smile fades as she continues, “I want to see you again. I truly do. But I can’t steal away for a sex fest, as appealing as that sounds. I can’t throw all my responsibilities out the window. I just took over as head of my family’s business and I’m in the middle of major renovations. And I checked my email while you were in the bathroom and found out I’ve been invited to join this super prestigious competition I applied for a few months ago.”

“Congratulations,” I say, automatically, though I can’t help but be concerned that she’s back to business so soon after coming her brains out.

I would have assumed she’d need at least a few hours rest to be up to tackling email.

“Thank you.” Her hand flutters to brush her hair from her forehead. “I didn’t think there was any way I’d get in. It’s the first time I’ve applied, and they usually pick more established people. But I guess they’re making a point to give up-and-comers a chance this year so…” She pulls in a bracing breath. “I really need to make the most of this opportunity. I might not get another shot at something like this. Ever. And the first part of the competition starts on Monday. So…”

“You need your beauty sleep.”

“Yes,” she says. “And probably not to disappear into a gorgeous man’s bedroom for three days. Even though I would love to. So, can we take a rain check for the sex fest and make plans for, I dunno, something simpler? But also involving sex, and food, and getting to know you and that naughty mouth of yours.”

A woman who knows her limits. A woman who expresses her truth.

I could get used to this. It’s unusual, but completely welcome.

“Absolutely.” I take her hand and lift it to my lips, pressing a kiss to her fingers. “I’m busy too. I completely understand.”

“But we should definitely do this again,” she says, trailing off, like she’s leaving me an invitation–to ask her out again.

Or for the first time I should say.


“Damn straight we should. You can text me when you have an evening free. Or we could grab lunch someday if you like. I’d love to pick your brain about the area. Get the local, inside scoop on the best restaurants, pickle shops, places to buy pork pie hats.”

“You’d be hot in pork pie.” She smiles, then snags her phone and we exchange numbers. “And I’d love that. How’s Wednesday?”

I try to rein in a grin. I'd almost pegged her as the leave ‘em hanging type. But here she is making plans before the night is even over. No games, no bullshit. Just boundaries and communication. She is who she is. And I like that. “Wednesday sounds perfect.”

“Though a lunch date might not give us enough time for sex,” she says with a frown.

“Then on our lunch date, we’ll make plans for a steamy night Copyright 2016 - 2024