The Girl is Not For Christmas - Emma V Leech Page 0,110

have sounded desperate as Harry leapt to his feet and took his arm.

“King, come and sit down and have some breakfast and…”

“I don’t want any bloody breakfast,” he said, with such force Harry jumped and George stared at him wide eyed.

“Ing?” he said.

King gathered himself. “I… I beg your pardon, Harry but… but I wish to marry Livvy and… and she’s gone off to your aunt’s to find herself a husband and…”

Harry let out a little whoop and Susan ran to him, clutching at his arm and tugging at him until he bent for a kiss. “Oh, I say, King, that’s… that’s marvellous news,” Harry exclaimed.

“No, it isn’t,” King said in frustration. “Not if she’s gone. I must go after her, she doesn’t know…”

The back door crashed open and Walsh staggered through. His normally immaculate valet was dishevelled, unshaven, and looked very much like he’d slept in a bush.

“Morning,” he rasped, swaying a little. “Any chance of some coffee.”

“Never mind coffee,” King said, striding over to Walsh and grabbing his arms. “This is an emergency. Livvy has gone and before I got the chance to ask her to marry me.” He gave the man a hard, meaningful glare until the significance of what he’d said sunk into Walsh’s sodden brain. From the stench of him, he’d had a skinful. A good job King hadn’t known wherever the stash was all this time, but he and Spargo had clearly made a night of it. Spargo was now lumbering up the garden towards them, weaving back and forth across the path as he went.

“Before you asked…” Walsh repeated, hazily trying to focus on King. His eyes widened abruptly. “Oh.”

“Yes. Oh,” King growled. “I must go after her at once.”

“How, though, that’s the question,” Harry said thoughtfully. “Papa took the carriage. We’ve no other horses. You’ll have to take the dog cart and pony into Bude and see if you can hire a carriage but seeing as it’s Boxing day…” he trailed off with a shrug.

King wanted very much to scream but forced the urge back down.

“Right, well. I’ll deal with that when I get there. Harry, brew some strong coffee and pour as much as it into Walsh as you can manage. I’ll go and pack.”

“Oh, no, sir,” Walsh said, taking a stumbling step forward and then clutching at a chair back. He’d gone an alarming shade of green.

“Oh, yes. If you want to stop me, you must sober up. Come on, Walsh, old man. I need you.”

Walsh gave a sharp nod and then clutched at his head. “Yes. Yes, sir. I’ll… work on that.”

King ran back to his room and dragged out his travelling chest. Everything got thrown in with more speed than efficiency, and he had knew Walsh would give him hell for days, but he couldn’t care less. He must get to Livvy. That she had snuck away from him… No, not thinking of that. She had her reasons, no doubt. Bloody ridiculous ones, but there would have been reasons, and she could damned well explain them to him in detail once they were married. Once his worldly goods had been crammed into the chest and the lid forced shut, King went and gave Walsh’s belongings the same treatment. He cringed to think what retribution his valet would have in store for this outrageous turn of events, but at least the fellow could boast about having had the Earl of Kingston pack his belonging for him. No doubt he would too, the devil.

With a bit of help from Harry, who came when King yelled for help, they carried the trunks down to the front step where Harry, bless the lad, had readied the pony and cart for them.

“Thank you, Harry. You’re a fine man, you know that I hope. I shan’t forget your help.”

Harry blushed and stood a little taller. “A pleasure to help, King, truly. You’ve… you’ve been marvellous with all of us and we should be honoured to call you uncle, sir.”

“Oh,” King paused, staring at Harry as the rest of the children came out to see him off. He would be their uncle. “Well, it… it will be I who is honoured, Harry. I promise you that, but I must catch up with your aunt first.”

King looked up as Ceci came out with Walsh on her arm. “Oh, the poor man really isn’t fit to travel, my lord,” she said, giving Walsh’s arm a gentle pat.

“No help for it,” King said mercilessly. “Walsh, I shall owe Copyright 2016 - 2024