The Girl is Not For Christmas - Emma V Leech Page 0,109

was no reason Livvy would not like and respect her. Just the reverse, in fact. She had been dying to meet her forthright aunt ever since she’d first heard talk of her. If only she could persuade her to sponsor Harry, maybe even give Susan a come out… Oh, surely it was not too much to ask if she was as wealthy as Charlie seemed to think. He might be too proud to ask, but she was not, and Charlie would just have to bear it. If he hadn’t got them into this fix it wouldn’t be necessary, so his pride would have to be swallowed.

With one last, longing look at the man who had stolen her heart, Livvy padded silently to the door and left.

King awoke slowly. He was drowsy and content, and the bed was warm. As his senses returned to him, he remembered the night before, making love to Livvy, and the little devil falling asleep when he was trying to propose to her. A smile curved over his mouth and he reached for her, finding only an empty space. Blinking in the dim light of the bedroom, he sat up and looked about, realising that the house was awake. Of course, Livvy would have left before anyone saw her. Not to worry, he would corner her after breakfast. They could take a walk down to the beach. That would be a romantic place to propose again, in the place where he’d first kissed her. He could hear George and the distant bang, bang of his new drum. Good God, what had Charlie been thinking? He chuckled and got to his feet, about to ring the bell for Walsh when he remembered it was Boxing Day and all the servants had a day off. Ah well, he’d have to see to himself then. A shame. He’d have liked to have seen Walsh’s face when he told him he was going to marry Livvy. The devil would be dreadfully smug, but King didn’t care a jot. He was too happy.

It took him a deal longer than usual to wash, shave and dress, not least because he couldn’t find half of the things he needed, and the water was freezing bloody cold. It woke him up, at least. By the time he was decent, he made his way down the stairs to the breakfast parlour to discover the table had not been laid. Frowning, he moved towards the kitchens to discover Susan holding court. The children were all sat around the big table eating their breakfast while she made up a tray.

“Right, I’m going to take this up to Mama. Harry, do keep an eye on George. He’s not to have the jam pot again. He ate two whole mouthfuls before I got it off him. I don’t want him to be sick.”

She turned and jumped a little as she saw him. “Oh, g-good morning.”

“Good morning,” he said, smiling at everyone. They were looking at him a little strangely and his hand went to his cravat. Perhaps he’d made a mess of it. “Are we breakfasting in here today? That’s cosy.”

“Well, it seemed easier than laying everything up for just us. Mama is too tired to come down this morning,” Harry said, a little stiffly.

“Oh, yes, of course. Is Li… is your aunt up yet, Harry?”

Harry’s eyes widened. “Why… why yes. I thought… Oh… that’s why you didn’t come down to see her off. I did think it rather out of character for you to be so...” He broke off.

King’s heart did an odd little jump in his chest and thudded harder. “See her off,” he repeated, frowning. “Off where?”

“She’s gone to Bath,” Susan said, watching him carefully. “You knew she was going today.”

“Well yes, but…” But it had never occurred to him that she would leave without saying goodbye, that she would leave him sleeping and… and go off to her bloody aunt’s party to find herself a husband. “When?” he asked. His stomach had tied itself in a knot and he felt sick.

“Two hours ago, at least,” Harry said, sympathy in his eyes now.

“I must go after her,” he said, panic setting in. Oh God, she didn’t know he wanted to marry her. She thought he’d taken his pleasure with her and… and… Heaven’s above surely the wretched woman knew him well enough to realise he would never have done so if he hadn’t meant to make it right. “I need a carriage, a horse… anything.”

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