The Ghoul Next Door - By Rose Pressey Page 0,82

anytime they want.” I positioned the spell book on the counter.

“I wish we had that ability while we were living.”

“I guess we could get in a lot more trouble that way, huh?” I lined the ingredients up according to the order which they’d be needed.

She snorted. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Mindy stepped closer to the counter. “So, tell me what I need to. I hope I don’t mess anything up.”

“You can’t get this wrong.” I patted her arm.

“Well, that doesn’t sound so encouraging.”

“We have to put everything in a bowl,” I said, grabbing a container I had from under the counter.

I was really beginning to get the hang of this spell stuff. I was like a pro now. Okay, I was far from that, but I’d come a long way.

“Add the pine first, and then we say these words.” I pointed toward the page.

Mindy and I repeated the words in unison, but so far nothing happened.

“Okay, now add the other stuff.” I gestured.

Mindy sprinkled in the cinnamon and then the almonds. “If not for the pine, this stuff would be like baking.”

I chuckled. “Kind of… but I think we’re supposed to focus now instead of thinking of dessert.”

“Right,” she said, straightening. “Okay, now what?”

“We have to repeat these words.” I pointed. “While I stir this concoction.”

“How will we know if it worked?” Mindy asked.

“I don’t think we’ll know for sure until it really has worked… we’ll find out who is responsible for the evil spirits around here.”

“That’s not so great.” She brushed the extra cinnamon from the counter.

We repeated the words and I stirred. I couldn’t say for sure, but I did feel a difference in the air. It was heavier but not in a bad way. Maybe it was wishful thinking though.

“Do you feel that?” I asked.

“The air feels different,” Mindy said.

“Yes. It does. I think we did something right. We’ll just have to wait and see now.”

“Okay, let’s pick up our mess and get to the park.” She practically bounced with the words.

Mindy was revved up and ready to go. But was I?


Mindy and I hurried down the sidewalk toward Magnolia Park. It was a couple blocks from the bookstore, but by the way my side hurt and the panting, it might as well have been a hundred miles away. My agitation mounted. It wasn’t my usual demeanor to say the least. Sure, I got mad plenty, but this was full-on rage and I still didn’t know if it was a demon or black magic that was making me feel this way. I forced it back, not letting it escape and take rage out on anyone around me. One thing was for certain, once and for all, I’d get to the bottom of the reason for the letters.

I’d confront Callahan’s ex-girlfriend and she’d be forced to tell me the truth. Well, I guessed I’d see it with my own eyes too, because if Callahan showed up at that park, I’d know that he’d made his decision. Callahan and I had certainly faced more challenges than the average couple so early in our relationship. I didn’t know if we could survive and make it through more obstacles, but I was willing to give it my best shot if he was.

After running so hard that my feet felt numb, we finally made it to the park. Mindy and I brushed past the Daniel Boone statue at the front entrance and stopped once we’d entered the park.

“Do you see anyone?” Mindy asked, breathlessly.

“No.” I shook my head. “It’s eerily empty. Usually there are a few people wondering around.”

“Do you think you had the wrong information? Did it say today?”

Now she’d planted a seed of doubt in my head. But I was almost positive that the letter had said today.

“Maybe we should sit and wait for a second?” I pointed at the bench that was nestled under a large oak tree. “I don’t think they’d even notice us over here. I sit and watch people all the time and they never know I’m even sitting there. It’s kind of creepy really.”

“That is creepy. Thanks for letting me know that it’s over here. I’ll make sure to look over every time I come here for any potential stalkers.”

We sat in silence for a couple minutes with no action. The only living creatures other than Mindy and me were a few birds looking for crumbs and a couple brave squirrels that dared to get close to us.

“I don’t think they’re coming,” Mindy said.

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