The Ghoul Next Door - By Rose Pressey Page 0,81

this craziness from me in the short time we’d known each other. He probably asked himself on a daily basis what mess he’d gotten into the day he met me. I stepped into the shop and looked around at the emptiness. The aroma of coffee lingered in the air. I smiled at Callahan’s handwriting on the giant chalkboard hanging on the wall. It was strange being in there without him smiling at me from behind the counter.

The best thing I could do was to hurry up and get out of there. I’d grab the stuff and be gone before he ever knew I’d been there. I didn’t want to hang around any longer than absolutely necessary. Moving back behind the counter, I scanned the area for the items. Finally, I spotted the cinnamon and then stuffed a spoonful of sliced almonds into a bag.

As I turned to leave, I noticed the cream-colored paper on the counter. I stopped in my tracks. It was the same paper. I recognized it right away. I wanted to say I could walk away without looking, but because of recent events, I couldn’t do it. I had to know what the letter said. Had she written Callahan a love letter?

With shaky hands, I placed the cinnamon and bag of almonds down, then grabbed the letter. My heart thumped wildly. I was afraid of what I’d find, but I pulled the letter out anyway and began to read.

My dearest Callahan:

I can’t tell you how happy I am to have you in my life again. You said things can’t be like they were and we can’t go back, but I know with time you’ll see that we were meant to be. Larue isn’t right for you. We are soul-mates. How else do you think we came back together again? It was written in the stars as if the universe was pulling us to one another. Please meet me this evening at the park. I’ll be there at four. If you show up, I’ll know that you feel the same way as I do.

Until then, my love forever and always is yours.


Wow. Had Callahan told her they couldn’t be together? Was she stalking him? Had she followed him to Magnolia? Why did I feel as if his life was in danger now? I couldn’t let him go to the park. But what if he really wanted to be with her? Regardless, I’d have to go to the park in case he needed me. I glanced at my watch. I had thirty minutes.

But first, I had to finish the spell. Then I could dash over to the park and dial 911 if this crazy woman pulled a gun or knife on Callahan. Mindy was not going to believe this. I placed the letter back on the counter exactly as I’d found it, then hurried out of Full Cup.

When I rushed through the door of Book Nook, Mindy was waiting for me.

“What took you so long?” she asked.

I could barely breathe. “You’re not going to believe this.”

“At this point, I think I’d believe anything, so why don’t you try me.”

“There was a letter from her on Callahan’s counter. I read it,” I said breathlessly.

“Oh, this is getting interesting,” Mindy said.

After I explained what the letter said, Mindy grabbed the items from my hands.

“Well, let’s get a-cracking. We have to get to the park before she does something even more insane. She sounds a little unstable.”

“A little?” I asked.

Chapter Forty-Three

“Are the ghosts back yet? Where is Candy Cherry?” Mindy looked around.

“They’re not here. You know, I’m beginning to be very suspicious of Miss Cherry and Mr. Fine. They’re not very nice. I think they’ve been responsible for some of the bad stuff going on.”

“Can’t Elvis tell you what they do?” Mindy asked.

I shook my head. “No, they hide from him too.”

“You need to banish them out of your life too.” Mindy’s voice was full of anger and frustration.

“I plan on it. If I ever get the chance to, that is.” I blew a strand of hair out of my eyes.

We gathered the ingredients and placed them on the counter. A paltry attempt at witchcraft but it was all we could do under the circumstances.

“Are you sure Candy Cherry and Mr. Fine aren’t around?” Mindy asked.

“I don’t think so, but she likes to disappear, so it’s hard to say where she is at any given time. She’s sneaky like that.”

“I hate that about the ghosts.” She clucked her tongue.

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