The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,57

the office.” I take a deep breath before spitting it out. “I have to leave for Arizona on Friday.”

“Oh,” she says, trying to hide the disappointment in her eyes. “For how long?”

“Four to five weeks. I had a great time the other night. I don’t know about you, but it felt good to talk and laugh with you again, and I was really lookin’ forward to goin’ out with you tomorrow night. I had no clue I’d be asked to leave so soon. I thought I was here till at least late February, early March. I’m afraid if I go, you won’t want to see me again.”

She sits down by the water and looks out. It takes her a while before she answers. “Luke, the other night was the first time in a long time that I felt really good inside. I’m not sure what will happen between us. I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to get back to the place we were before, but I do know that I want you in my life. I think being friends is a good place to start. You go and do your thing. It’s only a month. We’ll talk and keep in touch while you’re away.”

I sit beside her. “Really? What about tomorrow night, do you still want to go to the fundraiser with me?”

She nods and gives me a smile.

I want nothing more than to lean in and kiss her, she looks amazing as the sun shines down on her face, but again, I remind myself to go slow. We sit for a while and talk. She wants to know how I’m doing in baseball so I fill her in and it feels good to talk about it with her in a personal way. I always looked to her for advice about my career and valued her opinion before; it’s comfortable slipping back into that old routine. I tell her about how excited Deanna was when I called to tell her I was coming. She laughs, knowing how lonely she’s been out there. We discuss De’s upcoming move to Tampa. We talk about her school and she tells me about the art show they are having soon. It feels good talking about things like we used to.

Being Florida, as it is, the clouds begin to roll in. It looks as if, once again, we are about to be interrupted by the weather. I help her up and we walk back to my bike. She asks when I bought it and laughs when I tell her the story of how I bought them on impulse.

When we arrive at her apartment, she climbs off the back and stands facing me while we talk. I thank her once again for understanding and make plans to pick her up tomorrow night. There is a lull in the conversation while we stand here, staring at each other. Without thinking, my eyes are drawn to her mouth and suddenly I lean over to kiss her. It’s a slow, soft kiss and she doesn’t pull away; good sign. When I slowly remove my lips from hers, those emerald-green eyes are looking deeply into mine. I pull her to me and kiss her deeply, the way she responds causes me to momentarily lose my mind. Screw the waiting.

“Do you want to come over and watch the game with me tonight?” I whisper softly in her ear as my heart pumps louder. I want to have her alone.

“I can’t. I’m working tonight at The Blue,” she answers breathlessly, taking a safe step back onto the curb and putting some distance between us.

I’m almost relieved when she turns me down. It’s too soon. I want to win back her trust before we take things to the next level. When I’m with her, I have a hard time letting her go.

“But, I’ll see you tomorrow night,” she assures, softening the blow.

“Cool. Is six okay?”

“Six is fine.”

Chapter 15


I decide on a black cocktail dress, which Luke compliments when he arrives to pick me up for the fundraiser. He looks so handsome when he’s dressed up. My mind is instantly put at ease as we drive to the Country Club, the conversation flowing easily as we keep the conversation light, discussing simple every day things.

As we near the entrance, almost as if by habit, he takes my hand in his, sending warmth throughout my body. He glances down at me, questioning me with his eyes. I answer by entangling my fingers tightly Copyright 2016 - 2024