The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,56

no choice except to leave. When we reach the outside of their apartment building, Mya asks if I’m coming up. JJ looks at me curiously, but doesn’t ask herself. I take that as a clue that maybe I should call it a night.

I look at JJ as I answer. “I can’t. I have to be up early for practice… maybe next time.”

I can’t be sure, but it seems that she may be disappointed, or maybe it’s just me being hopeful. I don’t want to leave, but I promised myself that I wouldn’t push her.

“I had a good time tonight,” I say, leaning down to kiss Mya on her cheek. I then lean towards JJ. “Thank you,” I whisper and softly kiss her cheek.

I walk over to my motorcycle parked by the curb and climb on.

“Luke… I had fun, too,” JJ calls out.

I speed down the highway, beaming. I made progress, I’m sure of it. I lie in bed later, thinking of the next time I will see her. I remember the tickets I bought for a baseball fundraiser being held this week. I wasn’t planning on attending, just make a donation, but now there’s a good reason to go. I want to call her right now and ask her to go with me, but don’t want to push. It kills me, but I wait a couple of days before calling her.

“I’ve got two tickets to this fundraiser thing tomorrow night, and was wondering if you would like to go with me? I should at least make an appearance, but hate going to these things alone,” I ask, anticipating her answer.

It makes my day when she agrees. I take it as a good sign that she’s willing to spend time with me… alone.

Later that day, after my workout, I’m called into the office. The timing is horrible, yet, it’s a great opportunity. I’m to report to the Arizona Fall League on Friday. I wasn’t expecting the call as there are a lot of great players that are invited to play, so it feels good being asked. I just figured I’d be in Tampa until spring, giving me time to make progress with JJ.

I don’t want to wait until tomorrow night to spring it on her that I’m leaving on Friday; it wouldn’t be right. I know she’s at school so I send her a text asking her to call me when she has a chance. My second call is to Deanna.

“Hey, it’s me. I was just told I’m to report to Arizona on Friday for the Fall League,” I tell her the second she answers the phone.

“Oh my God, that’s great! You can stay with me,” she answers excitedly.

“It is great, but it also sucks. I went out with JJ and Mya the other night. This morning I called to ask her if she wanted to go to a fundraiser with me tomorrow night and she agreed.”

“I heard about the ice cream. That’s awesome, so what’s the problem? Why do you sound like something’s wrong?”

“The problem is, she agreed to go out with me… alone, letting her guard down just a bit, and now I’ll be leaving again.”

“Luke, don’t be silly. She knows this is your career, she’s always accepted your life before.”

“Yeah, that was when she used to love me.”

“She still loves you. She’ll be fine.”

I’m hoping she’s right.

JJ returns my call within the hour, and I ask her if it’s okay to pick her up from school, telling her there’s something I want to talk with her about. She sounds nervous, but agrees.

I wait in the parking lot as she finishes up her last class of the day. She gets on the back of my bike and I drive to Cypress Point Park. We walk side-by-side along the water. I know she senses I’m on edge.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” she asks, putting up her guard. I can hear it in her voice and see it in her stiff stance.

“I’m nervous to talk to you about this… but I feel it’s only fair, before we go out tomorrow night. I’m not sure if you’ll still want to go with me, but there’s something you should know before you decide,” I say hesitantly.

“What is it, Luke? Spit it out. I don’t want to play games,” she says sternly, distancing herself from me.

“Me, neither, that’s why I called as soon as I found out.” I can tell I’m upsetting her. “After practice today… I got called into Copyright 2016 - 2024