Furious (Anger Management #2) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,69

as she had the wheelchair ready, he forced his legs to work one last time, helping him turn around so that he could sit down and when he did, Sloane was there so that he could wrap his arms around her. God, he couldn’t believe that he did it.

He’d walked.

After resigning himself to living the rest of his life in that fucking chair, he’d walked.

He’d fucking walked!

“We need to celebrate,” the incredible woman in his arms said, smiling as she leaned down and kissed him.

“What did you have in mind?” Chase asked, reaching up to cup her face in his hand as he slowly returned that kiss.

“Well,” she said, shifting to get closer to him, “I was thinking that we could go home, grab a shower and then I’d take you out for a steak dinner where I would play hard to get until you took me home.”

“Then what happens?” he asked, dropping his hand away so that he could roll them toward the door.

“Then,” Sloane said, brushing her lips against his one last time before moving her lips next to his ear and whispered, “I let you fuck me in the hot tub,” making him groan.

He absently waved to the volunteer at the desk, barely glancing at her as she hit the automated door button for him so that he could roll out onto the parking lot and was reminded just how truly fucked up the world was when he spotted Amy in her usual spot. Every time they came here, she was there, standing in her office window, watching his every fucking move. He wished that she’d do them both a favor and shut the fucking curtain. He’d considered telling Sloane that he wanted to find another place to do his therapy, but he couldn’t do that to her.

Sloane loved working here and he…

He would do anything to make her happy.

“Are you okay?” Sloane asked, leaning in and kissed him, bringing his attention back to where it should be.

“I’d be better if we skipped that steak dinner,” he said, kissing her as he rolled to a stop next to the car.

He felt her lips twitch as she said, “I think we could arrange that.”

“What about the shower?” he asked, reaching down to set his brakes.

“What about it?” Sloane asked, brushing her lips against his as she climbed off his lap while he forced his legs to cooperate and kicked the footrests out of the way.

“Will you let me fuck you in the shower, too?” Chase asked as he grabbed hold of the armrests and moved to stand up.

“I might be persuaded to let you have your way with me in the shower, too,” she said with an incredibly sexy smile as she opened the passenger side door for him.

“Then we have a deal,” Chase said, dropping a quick kiss on her lips before he climbed into the car, doing his best to ignore the pain tearing through his legs. God, they fucking hurt, but he’d take pain over not being able to feel his legs any fucking day of the week.

Smiling, Sloane pushed his wheelchair toward the back of the car as he climbed in and found himself looking across the street to find the woman that he’d planned on spending the rest of his life with still watching him. She sent him a hurt look before she finally stepped away from the window. A year ago, that expression would have broken him, but now…

He had what he wanted, Chase thought, closing his eyes and as he dropped his head back against the headrest. When Sloane climbed into the car, she didn’t say anything and he’d never been more grateful. He sat there for the next fifteen minutes, thinking about what it felt like to walk again because that was all that mattered, getting his life back and once he did…

He wasn’t going to let anyone have that kind of hold over him again.

“Who’s this?” Sloane asked, sounding curious as he felt the car slowly pull into his driveway.

“What are you talking about?” Chase mumbled absently as he sat there, trying to mentally prepare himself for what was about to come.

God, his legs were already fucking killing him.

They might have to skip that shower and go straight to the hot

“There’s an incredibly cute kid hugging a box by the front door,” Sloane said, making him frown as he opened his eyes and felt is stomach drop.

“Shit!” Chase bit out as he quickly unsnapped his seatbelt and reached for

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