Furious (Anger Management #2) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,68

asked, sounding distracted as he ran his hands over her shoulders.

“I thought there were supposed to be six guys.”

“One didn’t show up,” Chase said, not really sounding all that concerned as he kissed her.

“I’m sorry,” she said, shifting so that she could kiss his chin.

“Don’t be. I’m not,” he said on a groan when she wrapped her hand around him.

“But you had a good time?” Sloane asked, slowly kissing her way down his chest as she ran her hand over him, tearing a groan from him.

“I’m having a better time now,” Chase said, groaning when she ran her lips over the underside of his cock.

“Are you?” she asked, glancing up at him as she pressed her lips against the curve of his cock.

“God, yes,” he said, moaning when she took him in her mouth.

For several minutes, she stood there doing the thing that she knew he loved, which made it her favorite thing in the world to do for him. She loved the way he responded, the way he moaned her name as he ran his hands over her, telling her just how fucking good her mouth felt on him, but she loved what he did when he couldn’t take it anymore.

With one last groan, he lowered himself in the water and took her in his arms. God, she couldn’t seem to get enough of this man, Sloane thought as she wrapped her arms around him. As he kissed her, he ran his hands over her, pulling her closer as he slowly teased her, making her want him more with every passing second until she couldn’t get enough and found herself turned around in his arms.

He continued kissing her as he cupped her breasts, gently squeezing them as he

“Oh, shit! I’m sorry!” came the unexpected announcement that had Sloane breaking off the kiss to find a man wearing an Emerald Fire Department T-shirt with mused blonde hair that looked like it was from frustration more than styling, standing at the patio door with his hand over his eyes as he gestured toward the front of the house with the phone in his other hand. “I tried knocking, but nobody answered. I figured the game was going on in the back and I’m…shit, I’m sorry,” he said, sighing heavily as he turned around and took off before they could respond.

“Umm, who was that?” Sloane asked as she moved closer to the side of the pool.

“No one,” Chase murmured absently, pressing a kiss against the back of her neck as he reached over and grabbed onto the edge to hold himself up as he wrapped his other arm around her and–

Slowly slid inside her, making her forget everything else.

Chapter 31

“I’m done,” Chase bit out, shaking his head as he glanced back at his wheelchair and

Found himself groaning when the cruel woman that enjoyed torturing him cupped his face and pulled him down for a kiss that had him ignoring the muscles in his arms and legs straining to hold him up and forced himself to move closer when she took a step back.

“Only a few more steps,” Sloane said against his mouth as she continued to slowly pull back, giving him no other choice but to follow her because there was no way in hell that he was going to willingly stop kissing her.

“You’re evil,” he felt the need to point out as he forced his legs to work as he released his grip on the bars so that he could slide his trembling hands down the bar, grab hold, and force his fucking legs to keep going.

“And you’re walking,” the incredible woman that refused to give up on him said as he felt her lips pull up into a smile. She brushed her lips against his one last time before she pulled away so that he could see that he’d walked the entire length of the bars.

“Holy shit…” Chase said, releasing a shuddering breath as he glanced over his shoulder and then…

“Holy shit,” he said, chuckling as he glanced down at his legs.

He walked.

He fucking walked…

“You did it!” Sloane said, smiling as she leaned up to kiss his cheek as he stood there trying to wrap his mind around the fact that he’d just walked and…

“Pookie, I think I’m going to need that chair now,” Chase said as his legs threatened to give out.

“Sorry,” Sloane said, shooting him a sympathetic wince as she quickly made her way to his wheelchair and rolled it over as he struggled to stay standing.

As soon

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