Frost Fae (Dark Fae Kings #2) - Meg Xuemei X Page 0,35

to regret ever going out with me. And if he thought he now owned me because we’d fucked, he was in for a nasty surprise.

With Fae kings, things just couldn’t be simple, could they?

Another unnerving suspicion flitted through my mind. Was this going-on-a-date-with-the-Fae-kings also a disguised competition between the kings, another way for them to compare the size of their dicks?

But if it was just sport for them, Rowan didn’t need to treat me like royalty, right?

I pressed the cup to my lips, ready to sip the fairy wine. Then an alarm chimed in my head.

“One question, Rowan,” I said as he waited for me to drink the wine.

I heard hushed gasps in the hall and rolled my eyes.

“King Rowan,” I added for show.

Rowan raised an eyebrow.

“I appreciate the feast,” I said, gesturing at the plates of roasted meat, a variety of veggie dishes, fruits, and freshly baked bread loaded on the table. It all made my mouth water. “Legend says a mortal gets trapped in faerie if she eats or drinks anything there. Don’t get me wrong. Your Winter castle is spectacular, but I have business to tend to and family to take care of in California, you know.”

“You aren’t human, Evie. We’ve established that,” Rowan said patiently, heat rising in his eyes. Whenever I disagreed with him, it turned him on even more.

The Winter King flicked a wrist, and suddenly I was transported onto his lap. I wiggled my ass to try to make myself comfortable, then flushed furiously at the servants’ widened eyes, as if they’d never seen their king behave this way.

The servants bowed and withdrew immediately, making themselves invisible along the walls.

“If you keep moving like that,” Rowan whispered huskily in my ears, “I’ll lose the control I’m barely holding on to. I’ll then have to fuck you right here in front of everyone.”

Oh man, let me combust already.

“And love, legends are often wrong—”he said, amusement and lust laced in his deep, sensual voice.

Then abruptly, he stopped in mid-sentence, blood draining from his face.

The air rippled with malice.

Chills slithered up my spine, seeping into my bones.

Rowan shuddered before he waved a hand and collected himself. Then he was ice and steel again. Just as I pondered the inhumanly cold side of the Winter King that I’d never seen before, he roughly pushed me off his lap and shoved me behind his high chair.

Before I could let out an outraged cry, I was stunned to see two gorgeous, half-naked Fae females perched on his lap, replacing me. They wrapped their creamy arms around him, their perky breasts pressing against his chest.

What the fuck? What the actual fuck?!

It took me a second to realize that this wasn’t a prank.

Ice coiled through the pit of my stomach at a chilling thought. Was this how Fae males actually treated their females—like playthings?

I’d just thought I was having the time of the century.

While my eyes burned and my shivering lips were about to unleash a string of profanities toward the Winter King, over a dozen beautiful Fae females popped out in the center of the hall, all of them in revealing gowns that left nothing to the imagination. Without missing a beat, they started to dance erotically, their gazes burning with lust, affixed on their king.

War drums beat in my blood.

My shocked gaze roamed from the dancers, to the half-naked Fae females moaning on Rowan’s lap, to the king himself.

“What the fuck, asshole?” I asked acidly, yet I was still too stunned to be white-hot angry. My mind couldn’t wrap around his cruel joke.

Rowan glanced at me over his broad shoulder, so cold that I felt as if a speedy train had rammed into my middle. He was no longer the Rowan I’d known. He was a thousand miles away from the Rowan who’d worshipped my body less than half an hour ago.

“Silence, woman,” he commanded viciously. “No matter what you see and hear, don’t make a sound. Stay quiet and invisible as a mouse if you want to live through this. I do everything for a reason.”

Had he just threatened me?

“Fuck you, asshole!” My voice dripped with venom I never knew I had.

I had no desire to further figure out what kind of sick, sadistic game the Winter King was playing. I washed my hands of him. I was done here.

I straightened my spine to gather my wits and courage. I’d find my way out of this cold, cursed castle and wipe this shit off my life. If the Copyright 2016 - 2024