Frost Fae (Dark Fae Kings #2) - Meg Xuemei X Page 0,34


I grinned at him, still carrying the afterglow of our hours-long sex.

The mating call, sated for the moment, hummed in the background instead of pounding me to the ground like it had every day since I met the Fae kings.

“Starving, Rowan,” I said. “I’m starving.”

He laughed.

“I’ve prepared a feast suited for my future queen,” he said, before brushing an icy kiss over my lips.

And I wanted him again. But I needed some sustenance first.

“Awesome. I love food,” I said. “And Rowan, uh, let’s not keep getting into this queen thing.”

He offered me an indulgent look. “You’re the only woman who doesn’t want to be a queen. But love, you’ll eventually get used to being the queen who outshines all.”

“I ain’t into beauty pageants, either,” I murmured.

“After our meal, I’ll ravish you again,” he said, desire flickering like an electric current in his blue eyes, mixing with his icy fire. Lust swayed in me like a fever song, so potent I pondered skipping the feast that I was looking forward to. He chuckled, obviously seeing my craving. “My insatiable little mate, I’ll satisfy you again for long hours. You’re mine, today and forever.”

I could get used to this sexy Fae talk. I guess I’d just have to go with the flow and unlearn everything about dating human males.

For a fleeting moment, I wondered what my dates with Rydstrom and Baron would be like. How would the other Fae kings take this—my mating with Rowan—after I returned to the human world? They shouldn’t complain too much, should they? After all, they had agreed that I could have them all, and they’d pushed me to bond with them through sex.

But that might just be all talk. I’d see how possessive and dominant all of them were. They’d fight Rowan at the first opportunity when we returned. I sighed and pushed a sudden rise of anxiety and worry to the brink of my mind. Today, I’d just let myself enjoy the moment, thankful that the fabulous sex helped reduce the stress that had battered me for weeks.

I stepped into the grand hall, my boots clicking on the marble floor, and my eyes widened.

An array of diamonds adorned the ceiling like stars. Ice lanterns glowed from the walls. Green vines and violet blossoms draped over the golden columns. Well-dressed servants milled around the golden table, pouring drinks into two silver chalices. At the far end of the hall, a dozen musicians bowed before they raised violin and pressed flutes to their lips. Music flowed as I entered the hall. A lovely female Fae started singing an enchanted song that made my heart ache with longing.

I halted, my breath caught. This was every girl’s dream date, and Rowan had given me the royal treatment.

“Come, love,” he said, his hand on the small of my back as he led me further into the hall of grandeur.

Suddenly, I was self conscious. I glanced down at my jeans and noticed that even the servants dressed way nicer than me. I looked like some destitute chick Rowan picked up off the street as a charity case.

If the servants, knights, and musicians in the room also noticed that, they didn’t show it. Fae were good at wearing masks and specialized in disguising their true emotions, among other things. I wondered if they thought I was human as I was the only one wearing human clothes here.

Well, who cared? Wealth, rank, race, and class didn’t scare me. I lived my own life, which was no one else’s business.

I lifted my chin and carried on with my usual attitude.

As we approached the table, everyone dropped to their knees before Rowan. He waved for them to get up. Then the melody resumed, the servants bustled, and the king’s trusted knights spread out, posting themselves against the sidewalls like heavily armed statues.

Rowan pulled the chair out for me before he strode to the other side of the table. A handsome male servant hurried to pull his king’s chair out for him and bowed deeply.

Rowan lifted his silver cup toward me, and I followed suit.

“To us, love,” he said and took a sip of his fine wine, a content, smug smile lingering on his sensual lips.

Suddenly, I had a hunch what his cocky smirk was all about.

The Winter King has won the first date by a draw, and now he had me where he wanted me. Well, if he was going to brag about having sex with me to either Baron or Rydstrom, he was going Copyright 2016 - 2024