Frost Fae (Dark Fae Kings #2) - Meg Xuemei X Page 0,26

“But I can tell you that I have a bounty on my head. So, I have to lie low. The good thing is I still get to hang out with you sometimes.” I couldn’t help but grin big. “And I still get a six-figure salary with full insurance that covers my siblings. Rydstrom can’t get out of the contract because he initiated it. Do you think it’s too much to ask for a raise since I’ve been around for a couple weeks now?”

She laughed. “Don’t get greedy. Only you would dare to demand things from Boss and keep testing his boundaries.”

I sipped my drink. “I don’t think he has boundaries.”

“Maybe not to you,” she said. “But have you forgotten how he slaughtered the Dawn Fae when they pissed him off?”

I shuddered, remembering every ghastly detail when Rydstrom reduced the Dawn Fae to ashes and bones. The Night King was a formidable foe if you got on his bad side, and the Night knights were still talking about expecting retaliation from the Dawn Queen and her court.

“Did you see which fucker set off the bombs yesterday?” I asked.

Indira shook her head. “But K and Drake nailed the mages who carried the bombs in.”

“Drake said the mages released Pestilence, a sort of Fae plague designed to thin the human populations,” I said. “He refused to elaborate further. Rydstrom didn’t reveal much either at my house last night. He said he wasn’t one to give away everything before he had all the facts.”

Indira’s eyes shot wide. “Boss was at your house last night?”

“Yes,” I said, flushing. Why did I have such a loose tongue? “The silly—Seelie kings were there, too.”

After informing me about the ritual of Fae mating and soaking my panties, the Fae kings had solved at least one issue before they left. Rowan won the first date with me by random draw, though I suspected that the Fae kings were only humoring me by following human dating rules.

“They aren’t so bad, you know,” I told Indira with a smile, “if you get to know them a bit more.”

I would get to know the Winter King one-on-one tomorrow. The kings all agreed that I’d take a day off from training.

“OMG,” Indira said. “I thought it was just a fluke when they all showed up here for you last time. But—” She stared at me with awe, fear, and disbelief. “Is it possible that you are the lost—? No, it can’t be.” She sniffed. “And your scent has changed. It gets more complex and confusing every time.”

So, the kings had done a fabulous job not only glamouring my appearance, but also my scent.

Not wanting Indira to focus on my dating life, I snapped fingers in her face, and she narrowed her eyes at me.

“Let’s talk about bombs,” I said. “Not boys.”

Indira quirked an eyebrow, but she obliged me. “The pureblood Fae have wanted to invade the mortal realm for millennia. I thought they were just talking shit, but shit just got real.”

Just then, a merman whom I had tossed a shot of whiskey at a week ago made his way toward the bar, his hazel gaze fixing on me. I thought he was a werewolf due to his big size, and K had corrected me with a sneer. But who cares about the difference between a wolf and a merman? A shifter was a shifter.

The merman winked at me. I glared at him warily as I polished off my whiskey coffee.

“Mortal girl,” the merman started, cocky with his sex appeal. I admitted he was good-looking. Most shifters were. But he wasn’t my type, especially now that I could tell he smelled like seaweed. “We got off on the wrong foot, and I want to make it up to you. How about I buy you a drink, honey?”

“I’m not your honey,” I said. “And why do I need you to buy me a drink when I can drink for free on the house?”

He clicked his tongue. “I like how you think. How about I take you out for dinner tonight? I know this fun place—”

K cut in between us. “Fuck off, Goldfield,” the bouncer snarled, his sharp fangs protruding. “This mortal girl is off-limits. Never come on to her again, or you’ll get worse treatment than being banned.”

I blinked, surprised that K defended me.

The merman winced. “Sorry, man. I didn’t know she’s yours. I didn’t see the chemistry there, and she’s kind of tiny for you.”

“She isn’t mine, but you don’t want to know Copyright 2016 - 2024