Frost Fae (Dark Fae Kings #2) - Meg Xuemei X Page 0,25

along for the moment when they all agreed on getting in my pants.

“No one but you is our one true mate,” Rowan said.

Fire twirled in my pussy; lust roared in my veins.

The Fae kings sniffed, scenting my arousal as if it were nectar.

“We’ll ravish you in every way. Fuck you for hours,” Rydstrom said, a wicked smile gracing his sensual lips that promised unholy pleasure. “Days. Months. We won’t ever stop. We can’t. You’ll be all sore and soft and needy, yet you won’t be able to stop either. You’ll beg for more. And you’ll roar your pleasure and scream our names. And when we release our mating powers, it’ll rock Elfame and be the talk of all the courts for centuries to come. We’re looking forward to you riding our cocks like a beautiful savage—”

I put up a hand to stop him from embarrassing me further since my panties were completely soaked.

“Sorry I asked,” I murmured, my face burning.

Chapter 8

I took a swig of the Irish whiskey coffee Indira made for me.

I hadn’t hung out with the wolf-shifter bartender since returning from Rydstrom’s courtyard. Instead of tending bar with her, I spent most of my time training with the kings and their knights in the club’s underground facility. The kings wouldn’t let me draw attention to myself, and they barely let me stay on the ground floor for a drink.

They argued there were enemy spies around despite the club’s airtight security. The bouncers had to constantly turn away new supernaturals who weren’t vouched for by reliable sources.

But today, I just needed a drink, so I told the knights I’d refuse to train with them if they didn’t let me visit Indira. There were hardly any other patrons anyway.

“So, you won’t work at the bar anymore?” Indira asked as she returned the whiskey to the shelf, annoyance in her voice. She liked to have me around and trash talk, and she was still my main source of rumors and news.

I sighed. “Rydstrom made a temporary arrangement with me.”

“Which is?” She arched an eyebrow.

“He’s trying to make a warrior out of me.”

“He has enough knights already.” She slanted me a suspicious glance. “It must be something else.”

“I need to prepare for my Turning.” I lowered my voice. “I ain’t like you guys. I didn’t even know this supernatural world existed before this year. I’m at a disadvantage.”

“Rydstrom has never fixated on anyone else before, Turning or not.”

I shrugged. “Oh well, I guess he took a shine to me. Or perhaps he pities me.”

“You said he was impressed as hell with you by your can-do attitude on your first day here.”

“One can only impress another for so long, and no one can carry the can-do attitude forever. And why do you still remember what I said on my first day here?”

“I have an eidetic memory. I remember almost everything I’ve heard or read.”

Huh. No wonder she was a good source of gossip.

“It seems not just Rydstrom, but all the kings have taken a shine to you.” Indira wiped down the bar with a rag without looking at me.

I arched an eyebrow, yet my heart beat erratically. She must have tons of questions, but I couldn’t tell her the whole truth, despite our fast friendship.

“I’m not blind, Evie,” the bartender said in a hushed voice, her normally brown eyes glowing amber as her wolf peeked out. “Don’t tell me it’s because they’re just impressed with your sparkling personality. As a matter of fact, not many people here are happy with your attitude or personality, not even K, although you’ve grown on him. He’d never admit it though.”

K, the big, tough bouncer, often got pissed at me for getting in his lane when I started working here. He’s territorial like that. I still believed that he was probably a half-unicorn and half-bear shifter. I hadn’t asked him to confirm it. He took offense easily. I’d seen him shift partially once and his head became an enormous bear’s with two shadowy horns sticking out, and he turned over seven-feet tall.

Though he wasn’t a fan of me, he had a soft spot for Indira.

“You’re more than meets the eye, girlfriend,” Indira continued. “I’m not going to speculate, and I’ll keep things about you to myself. That’s what friends are for. But when you’re ready, you’ll tell me, right?”

She held out her fist, and I bumped it with a nod. I didn’t have many friends thanks to moving around all the time.

“I will. I promise,” I said. Copyright 2016 - 2024