Fragile Hearts (Poplar Falls #4) - Amber Kelly Page 0,34

the office in the morning.”

“Thank you,” she coos before her eyes widen. “Oh my goodness! I have to work in the morning. And my boss knows I’ve been out late, drinking!”

“I think he’ll give you a pass this time.”

“Whew, thank goodness. If I was still on ranch duty, Pop would probably make me sling manure till I puked.”

That makes me bark out a laugh.

“Let’s get you home, so you can sleep it off before it’s time to clock in.”

“Okay,” she says before a yawn escapes, and she closes her eyes.

By the time we make it to Stoney Ridge, she is fast asleep.

I slowly pull up the drive and leave the engine running as I round the front of the truck and open her door. I try to wake her, but she mumbles something incoherent and pulls her legs into a ball under her.

I wrap an arm under her and gently lift her, and she sighs and leans into me. I move her to get a better grip around her waist and feed my other arm under her legs, lifting her from the seat. The front porch light blinks on, and Winston Wilson steps out. He stands and waits as I carefully make my way to him while holding a sleeping Bellamy close to my chest.

“I’m sorry we woke you,” I apologize as I climb the steps.

“You didn’t. It’s the darnedest thing. I know she’s grown, but if we expect her home, I can’t fall off until I know she’s tucked safely in her bed,” he says as we make it to him, and he opens his arms to take her weight from me.

She stirs as I transfer her to her father’s embrace.

“Poppy,” she mutters, “I want doughnuts.”

He laughs quietly as her eyes drift back closed, and her breath evens out.

“She would randomly ask for doughnuts when she was little. At night before bed, during her riding lessons, at church while the reverend was in the middle of his sermon. Silly baby. She’ll always be my little girl—whether she’s twenty-five, thirty-five, or even when she’s sixty-five. I’ll worry, and I’ll carry her for as long as I’m able. Or until the Lord sends someone else to do the job for me,” he says as he looks adoringly at her, curled in his arms.

A parent’s love is powerful.

“I hate that we kept you up,” I tell him.

“I don’t mind at all, son. I’m glad she had a good night. Her mother tells me it’s been a rough week for her.”

“Yeah,” I agree.

“Thank you for making sure she got home safe.”

“My pleasure,” I reply as I smile down at her.

She looks like an angel in her daddy’s arms.

He clears his throat.

“Oh, um, I’ll get her boots. I’ll be right back.”

I turn and hurry to the Rover. I pluck her discarded boots from the floorboard and take them back. Winston has already carried Bellamy in and made his way back to the door. I hand him her shoes.

“Good night, Doc. We’ll see you tomorrow.” He bids me farewell, and I make my way home.

It was a fun night. I can’t remember the last time I actually went out and enjoyed myself so much.

When I make it to my apartment, Lou-Lou greets me at the door. I walk her, and then I take a quick shower before settling in.

I fall right off to sleep and have a dreamless reprieve until the alarm starts blaring at eight a.m.

Five uninterrupted hours of rest. I can’t remember the last time that happened either.

I rush over to Bountiful Harvest and pick up an assortment of doughnuts before Bellamy arrives at the office.

Her face lights up when she enters the break room to start the coffee and finds them sitting beside a full pot.

Seeing her delight as she takes a bite of the powdered-sugar confection makes the rush this morning completely worth it.

She is radiant in her pantsuit and heels. You’d never guess she was three sheets to the wind only a few hours ago.

“We have a light schedule today, Doc,” she says around a bite.

I reach out and wipe sugar from the corner of her mouth. Her eyes soften at my touch, and I quickly pull my hand back before I absentmindedly lick the sugar from my thumb. Then, her eyes widen.

I clear my throat. “I, um, I scheduled us light today on purpose. It’s Friday, and the new granite is being delivered to the house tomorrow, so I want to get over there and knock out all of Copyright 2016 - 2024