Fragile Hearts (Poplar Falls #4) - Amber Kelly Page 0,33

and Elle.

“Maybe, but I’ve seen the way you watch her.”

“So, she’s beautiful. I know she’s married and unavailable. Doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to appreciate the beauty,” he grumbles.

“She is, and of course you are,” Bellamy tells him.

“Too bad you weren’t single when she was,” Walker adds.

“Yeah, too bad,” Foster mumbles more to himself than to us.

When they return from the restroom, Sonia glances Foster’s way, and a blush runs up her neck. I have a feeling the discussion in the ladies’ room was much the same as the one here at the table.

“If you guys get loud, we might be able to convince Walker Reid to play a few with us. Whatcha think, Poplar Falls?” The lead singer makes the announcement from the stage, and a loud cheer rises from the crowd.

Walker jogs over, and one of the guys hands him a guitar. He swings it over his shoulder before the singer looks back at him.

“Get your ass up here, man. We want to hear that angelic voice of yours on this next one.”

The band cues up Guns N’ Roses’ “Sweet Child O’ Mine,” and when Walker’s voice hits the crowd, it sends a shock wave through the room.

“Damn, that boy is good,” Payne praises.

“He sure is,” Elle swoons.

Bellamy sighs as she lays her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes.

I like the feel of her curled into me. I like the feel of enjoying a night out with friends.

Content. That’s what this is.


We close down the bar, pay our tabs, and wrangle the girls out to the parking lot. They are swaying and clinging to each other as they sing off-key. Walker tries to gently untangle their limbs, but Elle pulls them in tighter.

“I love you guys. Don’t you worry about that SOB from Ohio, Bells. We’ll find you a real man,” she declares.

“Yeah,” Sonia agrees as she stumbles, and Foster reaches out to keep her from falling on her ass. “Oops.” She giggles.

A black sedan pulls in, and she straightens herself.

“That’s my ride,” she slurs as she breaks off and makes her way toward the vehicle, listing sideways.

“Are you kidding me?” Walker mumbles as he catches up to her and guides her to the passenger door. He opens it and helps her inside. He buckles her in as she waves and blows kisses back to the girls.

Once she is in and the door closes behind her, the car peels off in a cloud of dust.

Walker throws his hand in the air. “You’re welcome for helping your wife into the car, douche bag,” he calls after the taillights.

Elle and Bellamy are still holding on to each other with Foster keeping them steady.

“Come on, baby. Let’s get you home.” Walker beckons to Elle.

“I guess that means you’re on my couch tonight, honey,” Payne says as he slaps Foster’s back.

“I expect breakfast in the morning, dear,” Foster quips.

“Of course. I’m a gentleman.”

“I have to drop Bellamy off, and I’ll be right behind you,” he tells Payne.

“I’ll take her,” I offer.

She looks up at me.

“I mean, it’s on the way to town. That way, you don’t have to backtrack,” I clarify.

“It’s okay by me if it’s okay with you, Bells.” Foster puts the ball in her court.

“Works for me,” she says before taking off for my SUV.

“Glad you came out tonight, Doc,” Payne says before offering me his hand.

I shake it and then Foster’s.

“Yeah, you should come out with us more often,” Foster agrees.

“I’ll do that,” I tell them.

Walker shouts his good-bye from his truck, and I join Bellamy in mine.

She’s kicked her boots to the floorboard, and her feet are on the dash while she is focused on the radio. She has one eye closed and her tongue out in concentration as she turns all the knobs.

“It works better once I start the engine,” I tease her, and she looks up.

“That’s what the problem is,” she says in exasperation.

“Yep,” I say as I turn the key, and the music starts blaring at us.

She giggles as I turn the volume to an enjoyable level.

“You’re an adorable drunk,” I tell her.

“You’re an adorable sober, Doc,” she says on a hiccup. “I have a great idea. Let’s get doughnuts,” she blurts out.

“Doughnuts? It’s two in the morning. I don’t think there are any doughnut shops open around here at this hour,” I tell her, and her face falls.

I lean in and whisper, “Tell you what.”

She focuses her eyes on me and leans in too.

“I promise to have some doughnuts for you at Copyright 2016 - 2024