Fragile Hearts (Poplar Falls #4) - Amber Kelly Page 0,3

job,” Momma squeals.

She definitely prefers that I land in Denver rather than all the way in Ohio. Built-in job or not.

“I sure hope you talked me up, mister,” I tease him as I lay a kiss on his lips.

“I did my best,” he says on a smile.

“A toast!” Elle announces as she taps her fork against her glass and then hoists it in the air.

“To our bestie, Bellamy’s future and one heck of a summer of celebration ahead of us before she runs off to her big-girl job in the city and leaves us all behind again!”

“As if I would ever leave you guys behind. You’re stuck with me forever, bitches,” I exclaim.

I slide my eyes to my mother as she gives me a stern look.

“Sorry, Momma,” I apologize.

“To Bellamy!” Sonia singsongs, and we all clink our glasses.

I’m so happy in this moment. Everything I have dreamed of and worked for is within my grasp.

Once we finish eating and we get my parents settled in at my apartment for the night, the four of us head out to paint the town red.

We start at Navy Pier and work our way back into the city, down the Magnificent Mile, and Derrick ushers us into a horse-drawn-carriage ride.

“Look at you, a lucky man with three beautiful dates this evening,” our coachman, Lewis, boasts as he helps us up into our seat.

“Yes, sir, I sure am,” Derrick agrees as he settles in beside me and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

Elle and Sonia sit opposite us, and Lewis takes us on a lovely ride while giving us a detailed history behind every building in downtown Chicago.

“Come on. Get in here, so I can take our picture with Coco.”

The three of us lean in, so Elle can snap a selfie of us with the horse while Derrick tips Lewis.

She shoots the photo off to Walker via text, and he sends back one of himself and Silas—another employee on Elle’s family’s ranch—out in their barn with a large black stallion.

His text reads, That’s not a horse, woman. This is a horse.

“That’s Huckleberry. He’s a mean ole thing,” Elle tells Derrick as she shows off the photo.

We end our evening in a martini bar on State Street with a few of my and Derrick’s friends from school.

“Hello?” Sonia is holding her finger in one ear and trying to hear her husband over the phone.

“It’s no use,” I say as I pop the olive from my glass into my mouth. “You’re never going to hear him in here.”

“Hold on, baby,” she yells into the phone. Then, she points to the door that leads out onto the street and mouths, I’ll be right back.

She stumbles that direction, and Derrick stands.

“I’m going to follow her. I don’t feel good about her wandering off alone,” he says before kissing me and following Sonia.

“Aw, I like him,” Elle announces as we watch him catch up to Sonia and open the door for her.

“He’s sweet,” I agree.

“Are you guys exclusive now?” she asks.

I told the girls about Derrick earlier this year, but it was still very casual at the time.

I shrug. “We haven’t talked about it, but we’ve definitely gotten closer this last semester. I guess we’ll just have to see how things work out this summer and go from there.”

“He’s a handsome devil. I like his teeth,” she points out.

“His teeth? I think you’ve had enough,” I say as I slide her martini glass away from her.

Derrick and Sonia rejoin us ten minutes later, and she plops down in the stool beside me.

“Everything okay?” I ask as she downs Elle’s confiscated drink.

“Just dandy,” she says as she wipes her mouth.

I raise my eyebrows at her—the universal girlfriend signal for spill—and she sighs.

“Ricky was trying to make me feel guilty for being out, partying, while he is stuck at home, alone.”

“Ignore him. Your best friend graduates from college only once. He’ll get over it.”

“I know,” she says, but I can tell her mood has been ruined.

“I know what you need. A pie!” I declare.


“Deep dish!” Derrick and his buddies yell in unison.

So, we finish our night at Pizano’s.

The perfect ending to the perfect day with my favorite people.


Two Weeks Later

“Thank you for picking us up. Myer refuses to let me drive right now,” Dallas says as she waddles down the porch steps.

Beau has her hand and is carefully guiding her down to the driveway.

“It’s no problem. Are you sure you feel up to this?” I ask.

She looks like she is about to Copyright 2016 - 2024