Fragile Hearts (Poplar Falls #4) - Amber Kelly Page 0,2

the end of last year, and both Sonia and I will be bridesmaids when Elle and her fiancé, Walker Reid, get married next year.

“Okay, congratulations, Bells. I’m so proud of you,” Myer chokes out.

“Thank you, big brother. Take care of Dallas, and I’ll see you guys soon. I love you.”

I press the button to disconnect the call and drop the phone in my bag and toss it over my shoulder. I take one last look at myself in the mirror and open the door.

Derrick is standing with my parents, looking dapper in his charcoal-gray suit.

He was a teaching assistant in my biochemistry class. We met my second year at the university and have been dating casually ever since. However, things began to get more serious between us the last few months. He will complete his master’s this summer, and he has accepted the position of urban planner at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, near his family’s home in Powell, Ohio. He has been trying relentlessly to talk me into applying at Columbus as well, but I’m not at all excited by the thought of moving that far from home. Besides, the only available position there is an intern in the planner’s office, and the last thing I want is to be working for my boyfriend even if the job is guaranteed and would look good on my résumé. That sounds like trouble waiting to happen.

I did, however, apply for an animal nutritionist position at the Denver Zoo, which is opening at the end of August, and I am anxiously awaiting word back from the department head.

Momma bursts into tears when her eyes hit me in my robe and cap as I wrap my honor cords around my neck.

“Oh, Beverly, don’t start blubbering already.” Pop rolls his eyes at me and lets out an exasperated sigh before he leans in and kisses my cheek.

“Hush, Winston. It’s not like our baby girl graduates from college every day,” she says as she swats him out of her way and wraps me in a tight hug. “I’m so proud of you, sweetheart,” she whispers into my ear, and a shiver of pride slides down my spine as she releases me and wipes gently at her eyes.

“Don’t make me cry and mess up my makeup, Momma. There are going to be a lot of pictures taken today,” I grumble as I close and lock the door to my apartment.

Derrick takes my bag from my shoulder and offers me his arm. I take it, and the four of us head down to Pop’s rental car to drive us to campus and into my future.

After the ceremony, the six of us head to the Reliance Building in downtown Chicago where we rented the Burnham Room at Atwood with a few other graduates and their families to celebrate. Tonight, Derrick and I are taking Elle and Sonia to see Navy Pier and out on the town. Then, tomorrow, we’ll head back to Poplar Falls while Derrick stays on to finish up his program. If all goes according to plan, he will meet me in Denver at the end of the summer and spend a few weeks with me before he heads to his new job. I’m not exactly sure where we will go from there, but we’ll figure it out.

“So, what’s the plan?” Sonia asks once we order and our cocktails are set in front of us.

“The plan?” I ask.

“Yeah, are you coming home to stay just for the summer, or what?”

I look around at their expectant faces. I haven’t had the opportunity to tell them about the move to Denver yet.

“For the summer—for now anyway. I applied for a job at the Denver Zoo, and I’m waiting to hear back from them. It starts at the end of August. I really hope I get it. It’s in my field of study, and I would get to work up close and personal with the animals. The pay is good, and I’ll only be a day’s ride from all of you guys,” I tell them.

“I spoke with Dr. Singh there this morning,” Derrick interrupts.

I turn to him. “You did?”

This is great news. I put both my biochemistry professor and Derrick down as references on my application. It must mean that they are seriously considering me.

“I did. He said that they have narrowed the selection down to four applicants, and you’re still in the running,” he assures me.

“Oh, Bellamy, that’s wonderful! I’ll say an extra prayer that you get the Copyright 2016 - 2024