Fragile Hearts (Poplar Falls #4) - Amber Kelly Page 0,17

everything is a big deal. Every fight with your friends and every boy who breaks your heart. In hindsight, most of your disagreements were over silly things, and you’ll fall in and out of love many times before you find your soul mate,” Doreen muses.

“You believe in soul mates, Doreen?” I ask.

“I do. And I believe you can have more than one in a lifetime too.”

“Isn’t that contradictory?” Sonia asks.

“No, not at all. I believe God leads us to the right people, the ones who enhance our lives and build us up and make us feel whole, but if we in our eagerness make a hasty choice, or that love is lost, be it through circumstance or death, I believe he is merciful and he can bring a second chance back around,” she says.

“But aren’t you supposed to only have one husband?” Sonia asks.

“At a time, yes.”

Elle and I start to giggle.

Doreen stops and turns to face us. All amusement is gone. “The Bible says it is not good for man to be alone. And the marriage vows say until death do us part because the Lord knows that life is fragile and there are many reasons a partner might be taken too soon. God doesn’t want us to walk around, grieving forever. As long as he wakes us up every morning, he wants us to live and to be joyful. So, he can open another door to love,” she explains.

“And sometimes, the last thing you want to do is put up with another man, so God sends you a huge garden and a Netflix subscription to keep you happy,” Aunt Ria interjects, and we all burst into laughter.

“What are you hens cackling about?” Pop Lancaster, Sophie’s grandfather, asks as he enters the kitchen door.

“Ria being an old spinster,” Doreen answers.

“My Maria is no spinster. She’s a smart woman who knows who she is and what she wants but, more importantly, what she doesn’t want.”

“Thank you, Daddy.” Ria beams at him.

“What about you, Pop? Do you think you’ll ever find yourself another sweetheart?” Elle asks.

“I ain’t lookin’ for one, but if a pretty lady comes along and wants to bless me with her company for supper, I won’t turn my nose up at her either. I’m still a man, and pretty ladies are my weakness,” he says with a wink before walking out.

“I can’t imagine Pop with anyone other than Gram,” Elle squeals as she covers her eyes.

Gram passed away a couple years ago. She and Pop Lancaster were high school sweethearts who married and raised a family together.

“Gram would be pleased if he found someone to keep him company. You don’t think she’d want him to mope around, missing her constantly, do you?” Doreen asks.

“No, I don’t,” Elle admits. “But another woman? That would be hard to watch.”

“There is nothing wrong with keeping on, moving forward in life. It’s what we are supposed to do as long as we are able,” Doreen advises.

“Hopefully, I never have to find out. Walker Reid would be a hard act to follow,” Elle says before she stands. “I’ll be right back. Nature calls.”

Aunt Doreen waits until she is out of sight before she adds, “That’s the truth. I don’t think she’d be able to find someone to fill that boy’s boots.”

“Speaking of,” I say in a low voice, “Sonia and I need your and Aunt Ria’s help. Walker wants to throw Elle a surprise party to celebrate their engagement.”

Both of the women grin conspiratorially, and I know we have Aunt Doreen right where we want her.

Game on.


I wake with a start. Soaked in sweat and my heart racing.

I look over at the clock beside my bed. Two o’clock. It’s the same thing every time. The same nightmare that haunts me.

I lie back and get my breathing under control as I try desperately to fall asleep, but it’s useless.

Sleep is an elusive fantasy. I’ve been exhausted for years now.

I click on the lamp that sits on the nightstand beside my bed, and I pick up the photo album that rests beside it.

I open it and relive the painful memories it holds once again. Memories that had held so much joy but now just remind me of what a fuckup I am.

This album was a gift from Annie, made for me by hand when I received my doctorate. It’s a scrapbook full of photographs from high school graduation, a twenty-first birthday celebration, getting down on one knee in the sand, cutting a wedding cake, receiving Copyright 2016 - 2024