Fragile Hearts (Poplar Falls #4) - Amber Kelly Page 0,16

time, but the old record player’s needle broke, and they kept intending to have it fixed but never did,” Elle says.

“The men could all basically dress as themselves. Just add some grease to their hair. Maybe they won’t complain too much,” Sophie adds.

“Right.” I laugh, imagining my brother and his friends adding product to their heads.

“They’ll get over it. It’s for Doreen,” Elle insists.

“So, where do we do it, and how do we get her there, unaware?” Sophie asks us all.

“Maybe we let her know there’s a party. Just don’t let her know it’s for her,” I suggest.

They cut their eyes to me.

“Okay, we’re listening,” Sophie prompts.

“Elle did just get engaged, and we didn’t have a proper celebration because … well, Sonia got married, I had to go back to school, and then you and Dallas had baby showers. Elle’s engagement kind of got lost in the shuffle.” I shrug.

“Oh, goodness, Elle. We did brush your happy announcement under the rug. I’m so sorry,” Sophie cries as her eyes fill with tears and she grasps Elle’s hand.

Elle turns her annoyed eyes to me. “Look what you did. You made a pregnant lady cry.”

“I’m sorry,” I snap.

“I’m not upset, Sophie. I don’t need an engagement party. We don’t really do those here anyway. The only reason you had one is because Vivian had insisted. You guys can gush all over me at my bridal shower.”

“My point is,” I start again, “we can tell Doreen we are throwing Elle and Walker a surprise engagement party. If she’s in on it, we can have it wherever we want, and we can make it her job to get Elle to the party without ruining the surprise. That way, we can all be there, getting things set up, and Doreen can spend the day finding ways to distract Elle. Then, when they arrive, we can all be like, Surprise! We got you, Doreen!”

They all stare at me with their mouths agape.

Then, Sophie finally whispers, “That’s kind of brilliant.”

“I know, right?” I declare proudly. “I can do brilliant occasionally.”

“Okay, so, Sonia, you talk to your mom about making skirts. Elle, you work on the guest list and get the number and sizes to her. I’ll start looking for a venue and get Dallas to ask her dad about the jukebox.”

“Sonia and I will bring it up to Doreen sometime tonight since we are spending the night. We’ll tell her that Walker wants to throw the party for Elle, and we’ll get her input on when and the food, et cetera. So, we’ll know her preferences, and have everything she wants,” I suggest.

“Just make sure it’s about six weeks out. That’s right before her birthday, so she won’t clue in. Plus, I want Dallas to be recovered and be able to be there,” Sophie instructs.

“Got it. When are you due again?” I ask.

“In nine weeks, so I should be good,” she assures.

“That, or we’ll just have another baby at the end of a party. As we do,” Sonia says.

“No. No, no, no. I want the night to be all about Aunt Doe,” Sophie declares as she stands and points at her bump. “So, you just stay put, missy.”

We all stand with her, and she heads to the door before turning back to us.

“I’ll go let Aunt Ria in on the plan now, so she’ll know to play along. I’m so excited. Aunt Doe loves parties, and she deserves to be celebrated.”

After our secret meeting, Sonia, Elle, and I head to the main house to help with dinner.

“It’s so nice to have every one of you girls here under one roof again. I miss all those study sessions and slumber parties when you three were in middle and high school. You all grew up too fast. Moving off and getting married and finding jobs,” Aunt Doreen says as she opens the oven and checks on the chicken roasting inside.

“I miss those days too. I haven’t any idea why we were in such a hurry to grow up and get out on our own. If I could go back, knowing what I know now, I’d want to start at fourteen, do it all over again, and enjoy that time more. Live in the moment instead of missing it by chasing after the future. Honestly, high school is a blur,” Sonia says.

“That’s why they say, Youth is wasted on the young. You’re too immature to appreciate that you have lots of energy and beauty and debt-free, carefree lives. You think Copyright 2016 - 2024