Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,99

‘You’re going to see the Axe Man? You’re done, Ricky.’ I’m sorry. I’ll pack up my desk.” He rose, but Jake held on to his arm.

“Sit. If I told you I could get you help and someplace away from your boyfriend, would you take it? I saw you’ve been looking at safe houses and therapists online.”

“I…I don’t know. H-he loves me.”

“People who love you don’t hit you. Words can be hurtful enough, but once you become physically abusive, it’s game over.”

Mannis trembled, and Jake softened his tone.

“Just say the word, and I’ll get you the help you need.”

“He’s going to get so angry at me,” Mannis whispered.

“You’ll be with people who can keep you safe.”

“But you’re firing me.”

Jake squeezed his arm and gave him a pat on the shoulder. “I didn’t hear anything about anyone getting fired. Let me make some phone calls.”

Forty-five minutes later, a counselor from an LGBTQ organization that helped abused men had come to speak to Mannis. As Jake sprinted out of the office to make his appointment with Stacey’s therapist, he caught sight of Renée Schneider speaking to Maria, and the good feeling that he’d helped someone melted away.

All that had to be put aside when he reached the therapist’s office and found Terry and Stacey already waiting. “Hi. Sorry I’m a little late.”

“It’s okay. They aren’t ready yet.”

“Hi, honey.”

“Hi, Daddy.”

He’d been afraid once they returned home, Stacey might lapse into silence, but though she hadn’t yet returned to her former self, she did speak more. And she was always smiling and glad to talk to Shea on their video chats.

Dr. Aggarwal stood in the archway to her office. “Come on inside.” They sat in the bright and cheerful space. “So I hear we have some happy news? Who would like to tell me?”

She smiled at Stacey, who gave a little wave. “Hi, Dr. Nisha.”

Dr. Aggarwal’s smile couldn’t have been brighter. “Oh, Stacey, how wonderful to hear your voice. I was so happy when your father told me you were speaking.”

“I had a really good time.”

“Do you want Daddy and Terry to wait outside and we can talk about it?”

She darted a glance at him. “Okay.”

He and Terry left and sat in the waiting room. He checked his phone and saw four missed calls. Afraid of what he might hear, he waited, then hit Voice Mail and listened. A smile grew on his face. When he put the phone down, Terry cocked her head.

“Good news? You look pretty happy.”

“I’m hopeful.”

Maybe things would turn out okay after all.

Chapter Twenty-Three

“Hi, Princess.”

Stacey, already in her pajamas, sat on Jake’s lap and beamed a big smile at him through the computer screen. Crazy how topsy-turvy his world had been turned in one week’s time. Shea no longer looked at the ranch as an albatross hanging around his neck, but as the catalyst that brought him the person—the people—he loved. And he missed them both something fierce now that they were gone.

“Where are you?” She tilted her head, her eyes lighting up. “Oooh, is that Rambo? I wanna see him.”

Shea had decided there was no place better than the paddock to have their nightly video conferences while it was still light out. He moved the screen, and the horse, hearing more voices, whinnied and nodded his head.

“He’s saying hi to you.”

“Hi, Rambo.” She waved her little hand, and over her head he met the full force of Jake’s smile. “How’re you doing? Busy first day back?”

“You could say so. I’ll tell you about it later. How’s everything there?”

“It’s all good. Same old, same old. What’s more important is I get to come in two weeks and see my princess.”

She took a bite of a chicken finger. “I miss the ranch.”

“It misses you too, Princess. When I come over, we can plan for you and your daddy to come for another visit.”

She ate more of her dinner. “I bet my pony misses me. And the ducks. Daddy, I ate all my broccoli. Can I watch a movie?”

“Sure, baby. You clean up your plate, and after I finish talking to Shea, we’ll put one on. Pick something out when you’re done bringing your dishes to the sink.”

“Okay.” Shea watched her wriggle off Jake’s lap and pick up her plastic dish. “Bye. Say bye to Rambo for me.”

“I will, Princess. He’s eatin’ his dinner too.”

Jake kissed her cheek, and she walked out of view of the screen. “I’m trying to teach her to clean up after herself.”

“That’s good. Patty had me doin’ chores Copyright 2016 - 2024