Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,100

for as long as I can remember.”

Something was bothering Jake. Shea could tell by the strain in his eyes, which had all but vanished by the time he’d left Forget Me Not. And he didn’t like seeing it one damn bit.

“We had a good meeting with the therapist. And I know Stacey misses not only the ranch, but you as well.”

His heart accelerated. “She does, huh? How ’bout her daddy? He missin’ me?”

“Ridiculously.” The fire in Jake’s eyes told him the truth behind the words.

“I’m missin’ you somethin’ fierce too. You can tell me how much later.” He allowed himself a smile. “Or maybe show me.”

Jake’s eyes darted to the side, where he assumed Stacey was. “Ah, yeah, sure. How’s the ranch doing? Any more bookings?”

“Nah. Too hot right now. Just lettin’ it ride until we decide what to do.”

“I have some ideas.”

“Okay, well, hold that thought until tonight. Call me ’round eleven? Is that too late?”

Before Jake could answer, he heard Stacey call out, “Daddy, I put everything in the sink. I’m ready.”

“Not too late. I have lots to tell you, so maybe ten thirty?”

“Everythin’ okay, though? You’re lookin’ kind of tired.”

For a moment he thought Jake would say something, but he pressed his lips together. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“All right. Bye for now.”


The phone call left him with an unsettled feeling in the pit of his stomach. Was Jake having second thoughts now that he was home? Shea didn’t think so, but anything could happen. He might’ve never been in love, but this gnawing emptiness inside him could only be solved by having Jake near.

Lost in thought, he walked into the ranch house and the kitchen, where Patty was busy cutting up a roasted chicken.

“Oh, good, you’re here. I thought it would be nice to have the chicken cold since it’s so hot outside. Can you get the salads out of the fridge, please?”


Shea set the laptop on the counter, took out the potato and macaroni salads, and put them on the table, along with two plates. Patty placed the chicken on the platter in front of him, and they sat across from each other. He took his chicken and salads and gnawed on a leg.

“Speak to Jake?” She cut into her chicken breast, eyes on him.

“Yeah. Just came from a video chat with him and Stacey.”

“I miss that little one. Sure did brighten up the days around here, especially once she started talkin’. Everythin’ goin’ okay?”

Damned if he knew. “I guess.”

She set her fork down. “Well, somethin’s wrong.” Her eyes softened. “You miss him, don’t you? It’s in your eyes.”

He hadn’t yet spoken to Patty about the talk he and Jake had the last night of Jake’s visit.

“It’s funny, you know? I was so sure I had to leave to find happiness, but it was here, right in front of me.”

“Always has been, Shea-Shea. There’s a lot of love in this place.”

“When Daddy died, I wanted to escape. He waited for me ’round every corner, and it was too painful. I knew I’d never be the man he was.”

“You don’t have to be anyone else but yourself, honey. That’s plenty good enough.” She reached across the table to squeeze his hand. “The best.”

He waited for the lump in his throat to subside. “Jake said he wanted to buy the ranch.”

“What? Oh, my. Well, that could be the answer to everything.”

“But I don’t want to sell no more.” His heart beat a rapid tattoo. “Especially if we’re going to be together.”

Hope sprang in her eyes. “Are you? You obviously got close.”

“I love him.” It felt good to say out loud. Made it real when the words hung in the air. “And he said he loves me.”

“Well, he’d better, or he’d be speakin’ to me.” Patty said softly, “I’m so happy for you. I watched you two during the week, and I was hopin’ you’d find your way to each other. So what’re you goin’ to do? He’s not about to move here.”

“We haven’t decided that yet. But we’re gonna be together.”

Her smile warmed him. “I don’t doubt that for a second, honey. But lemme ask you somethin’.”

“Go on, I’m listening.” His hunger reinvigorated, Shea forked some potato salad in his mouth.

“Are you ready to become a daddy to that little girl? You’ve never said you had any interest in havin’ children or bein’ a father.” Her eyes grew shiny. “Although I’ll admit I’m already thinkin’ about havin’ her here for Christmas.”

“You’re right. I never thought about it Copyright 2016 - 2024