Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,95

dark. “What’re you talkin’ ’bout?”

Jake had come here hoping to find himself, and in turn he’d lost his heart to Shea.

“Working it out. Together. Because together is what we are from now on.”

“You still want to own the ranch? Are you serious?”

Jake frowned. “Why would you think I’m not being serious? I don’t joke about business or pleasure. Both are important to me.”

Shea took his hand. “You’re important to me.”

Jake leaned over for a kiss, and the smile that broke across Shea’s face turned his heart upside down. “Then there’s no problem. Now can we stop talking?” Jake undid the top button of Shea’s shirt. “Because I still have to leave tomorrow, and I need something to think about until you come to New York again.”

Shea palmed his jaw, and their lips met in a sweet, unhurried kiss. “My apartment.”

They continued to kiss as they walked into the ranch house and turned the opposite way from the guest rooms. Shea nuzzled under his ear, and Jake’s legs wobbled. One touch from Shea left him weak with desire.

Once inside Shea’s bedroom, he was pushed against the wall, and Shea murmured in his ear, “I love you. I knew the first time I saw you I wasn’t gonna be able to forget you.”

Jake rested his arms over Shea’s shoulders. “I’ve been called unforgettable.” He ran his nose down Shea’s cheek. “Among other things.”

“I can only imagine, and I’ll have to find out what those things are.” Shea cupped the bulge in Jake’s pants, and along with a wicked smile, gave him a squeeze that set his blood on fire. “Right now I get to call you mine. All mine.”

Jake smiled and kissed Shea’s ear, his jaw, and came to rest on his lips. “And you’re mine. And I get to finally say what I’ve wanted to since I first met you.”

Shea, his bright blue eyes peering out from under messy strands of hair, stopped unbuttoning his shirt. “What’s that?”

Jake swooped in for a kiss, amazed to have this incredibly gorgeous, sexy, kind, and sweet man for his own.

“Ride me, cowboy.”

Groaning, Shea pinned him to the wall and devoured his mouth with a kiss Jake knew he’d feel into the next week. As Shea expertly stripped him of his clothes, their tongues played havoc with each other, and Jake’s legs trembled so badly, he couldn’t make it to the bed without Shea holding him up.

Shea pushed him onto the bed, and again, looking like a conquering warrior, tore off his own clothes and joined him, his growl sending thrills along Jake’s spine.

“I want to keep you like this. All hot and naked in my bed so when you aren’t here, all I need to do is hold my pillow and it’ll smell like you.” His tongue licked everywhere on Jake’s body, setting it singing, and Jake thrashed and gripped the sheets until Shea held him down and took him apart, kiss by kiss, leaving not a single inch of skin untouched by his lips and tongue.

“Shea, Shea. Oh God,” Jake moaned. “Fuck me. I need you.”

“Gonna make sure you remember who you want.” Shea pulled out a condom and lube from the nightstand drawer. “Who you need.”

Hardly breathing, Jake watched as he slicked his fingers, and he trembled, not wanting it gentle and sweet. Shea shoved one finger inside him followed by a second, as if making sure Jake would feel his touch long after it was gone.

“Yeah, come on.” Jake worked himself on Shea’s fingers. “More, give me more.”

Shea pulled out and turned Jake over. “Up.” He patted his ass.

Jake shuddered and braced himself on his elbows and knees, imagining Shea pushing him into the mattress. Scruff rubbed against his ass cheeks, and Jake twitched underneath Shea’s touch.

“So perfect.” Shea’s work-roughened palm slid up the curve of his spine, coming to rest on his nape. His lips teased along Jake’s shoulder, then licked up to suck on his ear.

“I love you,” Shea whispered, pushing inside him, and Jake groaned at the heavy fullness of Shea breaching him. Every nerve ending flared to life with each shallow thrust.

“Me too, oh God.” He arched his spine, and Shea covered him with his body and sank into him fully. He grabbed Jake’s hard cock and began to stroke its length, and Jake shivered and tightened around Shea’s thickness, the friction of the push and drag inside him driving him crazy. Jake wanted it to last forever, craving all that hard power so deep within him, Copyright 2016 - 2024