Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,52

night with you is an unexpected bonus to this weekend.”

He took Shea by the hand and led him to the bedroom. He stopped in the open doorway. “You’re the first man in my bed since my divorce.” Surprise, then a fierce possessive light kindled in Shea’s blue eyes. Jake whispered, “The first man I’ve wanted inside me.”

Shea drew him into the bedroom and closed the door, locking it behind him and pulling him close. “Want you too. Can’t wait.”

“Just a sec,” Jake murmured against his lips. “Now.” He kissed him deep and hard, their tongues probing, licking, while Shea’s hands moved with purpose to the Velcro tabs holding Jake’s board shorts up. Pleasure bloomed through him, and he clung to Shea’s shoulders as his clothing hit the floor. With Shea’s hands firm on his naked skin, Jake kicked off his flip-flops.

“Now you. I didn’t even see you in your bathing suit today.” He tugged the elastic waist of Shea’s shorts…and stared, only to burst out laughing. Shea folded his arms.

“G’on. Laugh. Get it outta your system.”

It was the tiniest bathing suit Jake had ever seen. Skintight, it accentuated every bump and ridge and could barely contain Shea’s erection. Jake pressed his lips together, but it didn’t work, and he busted out laughing again.

“I’m sorry,” he gasped. “I can’t help imagining you walking around like that today.” He wiped his eyes. “What the hell possessed you to buy something so…so…I can’t even find the right words for it.”

Blue eyes twinkling, Shea removed the suit and tossed it across the room. “Damn, that feels good. Hell no, I didn’t buy this. I didn’t have a suit, so I asked a friend I met last night if he knew where I could get one, and since he’s a swimsuit model, he gifted it to me.”

A twinge hit Jake in the chest, and he sat on the bed, uncertain. “Oh? Who’s this guy?” Did Shea spend the night with him? He struggled with unaccustomed jealousy at the thought of someone else touching Shea.

Shea sat next to him, a frown marring his face. “What are you thinkin’? Hold up. I don’t mess around. The man—he’s married, and his wife is havin’ a baby, but even if he wasn’t, I wouldn’t do that to you.”

Relief streamed through his blood. “I’m sorry. I should’ve known. It’s just…I guess I’m not used to this anymore.”

The familiar ache of desire rose through Jake when Shea kissed his neck, and his cock stiffened. “You seem to have the hang of it whenever we’re together.” Shea’s roughened palm brushed over the sensitive head of his dick, and Jake bit back a moan.

“The first time, I was drunk.” He tipped his head to the side to encourage Shea, and he took the hint, continuing to kiss and lick from his ear to his collarbone.

“Uh-huh. You weren’t drunk that last night. Or Friday.” Shea grasped him and dragged his hand up and down his shaft. “You ain’t drunk now, are you?”

Drunk on you.

“Mmm, n-no.” Head spinning, Jake could barely form words, his tongue thick and slow in his mouth. “Shea, come on.” He tugged him close, and they fell over, lying in a sprawl of hot, naked limbs. Shea rolled on top of him, and Jake could’ve cried from the sheer joy of having him there to hold so close.

“So perfect.” Shea’s mouth touched him everywhere. His eyelids, the shell of his ear, and then his tongue flicked Jake’s nipples and moved lower, poking and swirling inside his belly button. Jake spread his legs and waited.

“You want me inside you?” Shea sat back on his heels, holding his erection. Jake eyed him hungrily, need bursting from every pore. He could barely understand this drive inside him to be taken. When he and Brian were together, the sex had been good, but never like this. Shea made him crazy, wild and out of control.

“Yeah,” he managed to whisper. “Please.”

Shea loomed over him, a dark shape in the unlit bedroom, and his cock grazed Jake’s, sending threads of fire through his blood. “Feel so good. Gonna feel even better when I’m finally in you.”

“Do it, already.” Jake banged the mattress. “Come on.”

“Easy now.” Shea leaned down to kiss him softly, and Jake struggled to hold himself from flying apart at the gentle touch. “I wanna make sure this lasts a good, long time, so you don’t forget me.” Another kiss, and then he shifted lower and spread Jake’s legs apart. Like everything else Shea did, Copyright 2016 - 2024