Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,23

He gnawed the bone and licked his sticky fingers. “I know it is for me. I could live on this stuff, but I’d gain a hundred pounds.”

“Well, these cowboys sure are in good shape, so they must know a secret. Look at them.” Erica pointed to Craig, Johnny, and Shea. “Those are some prime examples of gorgeous men. Did you know they’re a couple?”

Drinking a beer, Jake choked. “What?” he wheezed out. “Who?” Not Shea.

“Craig and Johnny. I got their life story when we went riding this morning, after your group came back.” Her eyes danced. “Heard you decided to show off your riding skills.”

“You’re a riot, Erica.” But he joined in their laughter. “Tell me about the cowboys.”

Her meal finished, Erica pushed aside her plate. “They’ve been together since high school, and when they came out, their families kicked them out. They were given a home here on the ranch. They got married a few years ago.”

“Wow. I never expected to find a gay couple on a ranch in Texas.” Jake eyed the two men. “It’s nice to know they’re so accepting here.” Given his interactions with Shea, it didn’t surprise him. He was such a warm and friendly man, Jake couldn’t imagine Shea being homophobic.

He finished his beer and braced his hands behind him, leaning on the grass. A fire pit had been set up, and a few people were toasting marshmallows and making s’mores. A chorus of crickets rose and fell, and the cool night air flowed around him. Hard to imagine the noise and smells of the city when such absolute peace surrounded him. He wished…well, it didn’t matter.

“I’m thinking about getting Stacey a dog or a cat. Not sure which yet. Terry took her to the zoo today, and she had a great time feeding the animals. I think it might be good for her. I know how much I enjoy being around them here.”

Oliver wiped his hands and mouth clean of sauce. “That’s a great idea. You know they have emotional support animals to help people with anxiety and other issues. Getting her a dog might be just what she needs.”

“I can’t understand why I didn’t think of it before.”

Shea and the other two cowboys twirled their lassos in the air, and everyone quieted down to watch. Jake wondered what Shea was doing at a ranch buried in a tiny town when he could make so much more modeling full-time.

“Who’s gonna be first to try their hand at it?” Shea’s smile reached out to him. Clarke, of course, in an effort to immerse himself in the full cowboy experience, was the first volunteer. And even Jake had to admit the usually stuffy president of the company was good-natured about his failed attempts.

They clapped for him, and then to Jake’s surprise, Oliver decided to try. His friend fared much better, even managing to swing the rope above his head several times. He bowed to applause, and Jake was still clapping for him when Oliver lowered himself to the ground next to him.

“Good job.” Jake patted him on the back. “Who knew you were such a country boy?”

“It’s fun. You should try it. Picture roping Sterling and hog-tying him.” Oliver’s eyes crinkled shut with laughter. “That’s what I did. It’s like bowling when you imagine your enemies’ heads on the pins.”

Jake cackled, and his laughter must’ve caught Shea’s attention. “Jake, you wanna be next?”

Oh, shit.

“Go on, Jake. Live a little. Enjoy yourself.”

Since he’d arrived, he’d been doing nothing but, and feeling guilty as hell. He didn’t want to think about how alive this single day away from his life of responsibilities made him feel. He loved his daughter and would die for her, but it was so damn hard doing it alone.

When his eyes met Shea’s, all he saw was his kind, open face, and Jake found himself returning Shea’s smile. And walking toward Shea, Jake wasn’t sure he could say no to him about anything.

“How’re you feeling after your traumatic morning?” Shea asked. “Any bruises?”

“Just my ego,” Jake said.

“Nah. Don’t think twice about it. Everyone falls off a horse. It’s like life. The trick is to get right back up and conquer it. Like you did.”

“Have you ever fallen?”

It came out more personal and ballsy than intended, and Jake glimpsed a second of such bleakness in Shea’s eyes, it startled him.

“Plenty.” Shea hitched the rope up. “Ready to try?” At Jake’s nod, he took the lasso. “Grasp it like this, and watch me.”

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