Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,22

liked how quiet it was.”

“It’s sure peaceful then. My favorite time before it gets too hot. My daddy and I used to go to the creek behind the ranch and fish.”

“Oh? I didn’t know there was a creek too.”

“We keep it fenced off. It’s kind of rocky, and when the water rises, it can get deep.”

They sat on the front-porch steps, and Jake wiped his brow. The door opened.

“Shea, lunch is almost ready. C’mon in and lend me a hand, will you?”

He jumped up at the sound of Patty’s voice. “On my way.” He gazed at Jake. “I hope you enjoyed yourself. We’ll be ringing the bell when lunch is ready.”

“I did, thanks. And thanks for everything.”

“My pleasure.” Shea hustled away, meeting up with Patty.

“You’ve been payin’ a lotta attention to him.” Patty raised a brow as he held the door open for her.

“He had an issue with the horses, and I was tryin’ to calm him down,” he said, attempting to brush off her question.

“And this mornin’ at breakfast?” He opened his mouth, and she gave him a stern look. “Don’t be fixin’ to lie to me. I’ve known you since the day you were born.”

He kissed her cheek. “Yes, you have. And I swear there’s nothin’ there but me bein’ nice to the man. He seems a little lost.”

“And there you are, trying to find him?”

More like trying to find myself.

Chapter Six

“Look, honey. Here’s a picture of Daddy on a horse.”

He held his phone up to the computer screen to show Stacey. Shea had taken a picture of him with the cowboy hat on right before Birdie got spooked, and even Jake had to smile.

Stacey looked at the picture. What was she thinking? He’d give anything to know.

“Daddy also met some donkeys. They have chickens and sheep here too. Daddy picked apples and grapefruits today, and I’ll bring some home for us.”

It had been a relaxing afternoon. He’d met up with Oliver and Erica, and after the fruit-picking, they visited the sheep and saw how they were sheared. They took a walk around the gardens, had some team-building exercises, which Clarke insisted would bring them closer as a management group, and now were getting ready for dinner, which was to be a big barbecue down by the lake.

“Did you have fun today? Tell me what you did.”

Terry gave him a thumbs-up and a broad smile. “Oh, we had so much fun. We fed the cows and goats at the zoo, and Stacey loved the red pandas. Then at story hour, she colored some pictures.” She pushed some papers toward Stacey.

“Do you want to show Daddy, honey? I think he’d love to see them.”

Stacey hid her head in Terry’s shoulder and nodded. Jake’s heart broke, but when he saw the picture, his eyes filled with happy tears. A little girl holding a man’s hand.

“Stacey, honey, is that you and me?”

She didn’t answer him, but Terry nodded. “The children were asked to draw pictures of what they loved most. We all know how much Stacey loves animals and her daddy. Right, baby?”

The tiniest movement of her head, but it was enough for him to almost lose it. To know she drew him in a picture of what she loved the most gave him the strength to put one foot in front of the other.

“I love you too, baby. So, so much.”

“We’re going to have dinner now and then our bath. We’re having tacos. Stacey and I are going to make guacamole. And nachos.”

“I wish I could be there.” He touched the computer screen. “I love you, baby. Daddy will be home soon.”

“Night. We’ll talk to you in the morning.”

He blew Stacey a kiss and ended the call. After spending the day surrounded by animals and nature, Jake decided that when he returned, he’d take Stacey to the Animal Rescue League, and they’d get a pet. Whatever she wanted—dog or cat. Maybe both. He could only imagine how Stacey would love the horses here. Too bad they couldn’t bring the ranch back to New York. And Shea…Jake sensed the cowboy wrestled with something deeply personal, and Jake, drawn to him, understood his melancholy and despair.

“You’re nuts. The guy is gorgeous, a model. What does he have to worry about?” Shaking his head at his foolish thoughts, Jake went to take a shower.

* * *

“Wow. That was delicious.” Oliver rubbed his stomach. “Might be the best barbecue I’ve ever eaten.”

Jake couldn’t answer, as his mouth was wrapped around a slab of ribs. Copyright 2016 - 2024