Forever Changed - By Jamie Gibson Page 0,6

which hangs on the wall in front of the couch. It’s attached to a huge stereo and surround sound system, throughout the room.

On both sides of the TV are shelves that contain a DS, Xbox 360, a PlayStation 3, and a Wii. I have all the electronics that have to do with game systems that you can think of, with hundreds and hundreds of games that go to each system. I rarely play them though.

I have shelves that have over a thousand CDs and DVDs. On the back wall, I have a pool table and on the right side I have an art area. It is there, that I create pictures out of my head. I have a shelf full of all the art supplies that I could possibly need. I have everything I need without having to leave my house.

I went through the stage of how much my father would do for me. If I wanted something, I wanted to see if he would really get it. Much to my dissatisfaction, he got me everything I asked for or gave me the money to get it myself.

I am spoiled, but not the spoiled that you would think of, I don’t let it go to my

head and I don’t brag about it. I have everything I could ask for, but I lacked one thing that I wanted most of all. Friends or a sibling! I was alone and lonely.

Having a sibling was out of the question. In my family, it was tradition to have only one child and it was always a boy. This is so that they may be able to keep our mansion standing and our name to be passed down, from one generation to the next.

My bedroom is much different and pretty much plain. My room has black carpet, my walls black paint, my curtains black silk, and my bedding was black. The canopy that hangs down around my bed is also black veil. I have a huge dresser that keeps all the stuff I need.

The only thing that stands out in my room is a very old, heavy, grandfather clock and of course the fire place that is right in front of my bed, with a hand carved mantel.

It is safe to say that I was a very depressed and dark seventeen year old girl.

Chapter 6

My bathroom has the sink sitting in black granite with shelves for towels and wash clothes, underneath. There is a huge vanity mirror, which provides plenty of lighting.

I have a closet door, which leads into a small room. It holds; makeup, feminine products, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, hair dryers, curling irons, combs, hair brushes, and so much more. I have pretty much my own salon in that closet. I also have a small area in there for medicines and another place for over a hundred bottles of perfume.

My floors are black tile along with the toilet. There is a red rug that lies in front of my Jacuzzi tub; it sits alone in the middle of the room. I love my tub because all the way around the tub, I have placed black candles. It is so relaxing.

I also have a walk in shower, but I hardly use it. Next to the walk in shower, is a handle in the floor. When you raise the handle it opens up to a hole. The hole leads all the way to the basement; this is where I throw dirty clothes. What can I say? My father was trying to make my life as luxury as possible. I can tell you though; I would not want to carry a basket full of dirty laundry down five flights of stairs to the basement. No one had installed an elevator when building on their part of the house and my room was located on the fourth floor.

While I was standing in my bathroom brushing my teeth, I was wondering what my mother meant by my father leaving a trail. Then I remembered the wad of money that I had pulled out of my father’s pocket; the money that had the paper and the rubber band wrapped around it.

I jumped into the walk in shower. When I was finished, I wrapped my dark brown hair in a towel, I towel dried myself off, put on my robe, and walked over to the mirror. I looked at myself, my eyes were red and swollen, no doubt the results of crying so much. I had dark circles under my eyes; Copyright 2016 - 2024