Forever Changed - By Jamie Gibson Page 0,7

I pretty much looked like hell.

I brushed my teeth quickly and decided to throw on a little makeup and perfume. I blow dried my hair and brushed it out, then opened the door, and headed to my closet.

I have a walk in closet, the size of a master suite bathroom. It contains all the clothes, shoes, belts, jackets, and purses that any teenaged girl could ever want. Only thing is, all my clothes are black, grey, or a dark red. That ‘normal’ teenage girl would be very unhappy.

I chose to wear a pair of black slacks and a grey sweater; it was kind of chilly from all the storms we had been having lately. I put on a pair of black Nikes and headed over to my dresser. I opened the drawer, that I had hidden all the money in last night. I grabbed everything, even my camera and walked back in my closet.

I have a little section in the back of my closet that has a safe box for jewelry and money. The jewelry has been passed down through the generations and of course I have my regular jewelry, which I have wanted inside of it. It all stays locked up and is hidden behind a shelf that holds my shoes. I took the film rolls out of my camera, removed the paper wrapped that was around the money, and placed everything, but the piece of paper, in the safe.

I walked out of my closet, walked over to the right side of my bed, and pressed the hidden button; that allowed me to enter my entertainment room. I switched on a

lamp and walked over to the leather couch while sitting down. I took a deep breath and unfolded the piece of paper.

Chapter 7

It was a letter to me, from my father! My hands started shaking and my eyes brimmed with tears as I began to read:

Dear Daddy’s Little Girl,

If you are reading this letter then you know that my life has ended, at the hands of your mother. It is supposed to be this way, so no tears. A big part of our family history, which I never told you, is that this is our destiny. I was never supposed to be in love with your mother, she was my mate. The only reason that I was supposed to be with her was for you.

Our family tradition was to have a child and push our mate to kill us, so that our ‘son’ would be able to continue with our family. However, tradition was broken. After doing some digging I found out why you were a girl and not a boy. However, I cannot tell you, but you will find out.

I broke tradition not only having a daughter instead of a son, but I also discovered a way that I may come back. You have to do this Elizabeth you have to bring me back.

By now you should have had some signs of who you are, but you will not learn fully until your time has come. You have to go through the change. The change will come soon, for I have seen the signs already.

You must never give your secret away except to your mate, if you do or if someone else

finds out, then you will have to make the ultimate decision to kill them or die a horrific death. This is your choice. However, if I have broken tradition, then you may have the chance to do the same.

It is important to go into my study to find out what you can about, who you are and more so, of how to bring me back. You possess this power and you will be able to conquer this quest.

The door is hidden just outside your bedroom door. You have to find the button to open it, just like your hidden rooms, Elizabeth.

When you go into the study, there is a book case on the right side of my desk. There is only one black leather bound book on it. This book has everything you need to know. It will give you all the information about who you are and what to do!

One catch, I was wearing a demonic skull ring on my finger, when your mother took my life. I hope, before your mother made

you bury me, that you took that ring off my finger. It is the key to open the book.

The room was to keep your mother out. She wants to change us. I am sorry, Copyright 2016 - 2024