Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,9

finally closed and the guys decided to walk the girls to the table to let the crowd die down. After the guys and ladies sat down, they exchanged numbers and they each promised to call/text when they reached their destinations. Each of the ladies walked to the car with smiles on their faces and couldn't wait to get to Brielle's house to debrief on tonight! This could be the start of something good, Shanice thought.

Chapter 4

“I really think you might be special” -Tyrese

As soon as the ladies reached Brielle's house, they began talking about the people they met. Each of the girls had a ball tonight and couldn't wait to speak to the guys tomorrow or later on. All the ladies decided to go their separate ways to their rooms and prepare for bed. As Danielle took her makeup off her phone ding, indicating an awaiting text.

Cam: Wassup Lil Mama, You home?

Me: No, I haven't made it home.

Cam: WTF! Why not? Y'all stopped to get something to eat?

Me: No, we all are spending the night at Bri's crib so that’s where we are.

Cam: Oh iight, I was about to say.

Me: What were you about to say Cam?

Cam: I was about to say, if you wasn't going to go home, you could of came home with me.

Me: That wouldn't have been a good idea. You don't even know me like that.

Cam: You not crazy are you?

Me: Nope. I don't think so

Cam: Okay well if you ain’t crazy, I don’t have shit to worry about.

Me: That’s what you think

Cam: Ma you ain’t saying nothing! I'll come get you right now

Me: No, that’s okay. Idek you like that, you could be the crazy one, lmao

Cam: I'm not crazy. You can trust me on that one

Me: Well, I don't trust easy, so I can't take your word for it yet.

Cam: You'll trust me soon enough, watch.

Me: We'll see about that. But I'm hopping in the shower. Ttyl.

Danielle smiled thinking about her Cam. He definitely had the looks of a winner, but she would have to put him to the test. He was cocky and she liked that. She hoped he was worth her time. Her career kept her busy, so she didn't need to be wasting time with him when she could be working. Only time would tell. After thinking about Cam for another five minutes, she went and took a thirty-minute steaming shower. When she got out the shower, she had a text from Cam.

Cam: You surely will. Good Night, Lil Mama.

After seeing that last text, Danielle laid down and slept with a smile on her face. Maybe Cam was worth taking a risk for.


In the next room, Chloe was busy texting Tyrese. She thought he was the shy type at the club I wonder what he will tell me about himself.

Me: So Tyrese, tell me something about yourself.

Tyrese: What you wanna know ma?

Me: Um, tell me something that only few people know.

Tyrese: Damn getting deep on the first conversation huh? Lol

Me: I'll do the same. Just making conversation.

Tyrese: Well you go first and I'll follow shorty.

Me: Well, I love sports and I use to play basketball until I hurt myself during my senior year in college. Now I'm an assistant basketball coach. I know it doesn't look like it, but I love it <3

Tyrese: Damn ma, I would of never thought. Iight I'm about to tell you some shit only a couple people know.

Me: Okay, I'm waiting

Tyrese: I was adopted when I was younger because my parents were too busy for me. My parents couldn't supply me with the love that a kid needs so they left me.

Me: Oh My God, how were your foster parents to you?

Tyrese: They damn sure didn't act like parents to me. They didn't give a damn about me, just a monthly check from the government. So when I turned 16, I kind of ran away and haven't seen their asses since.

Me: Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear that.

Tyrese: Don't be sorry, you couldn't have prevented it.

Me: I have a question.

Tyrese: Wassup ma?

Me: Why did you tell me that out of all things?

Tyrese: Idek. The only people who know are Kiy and Cam.

Me: So why me out of all people?

Tyrese: Idek, maybe because I really think you might be special.

Me: Aww, I promise I won't betray your trust.

Tyrese: I hope so ma, you seem like wife material.

Me: Awww, you seem too good to be true.

Tyrese: I'm def. the real thing. Get some sleep ma & I'll call Copyright 2016 - 2024