Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,10

you tomorrow.

Me: Okay I will, Good Night xOxO :)

Tyrese: Good Night Ma, Sweet Dreams

Chloe didn't know what it was about Tyrese that had her intrigued but she was definitely ready to explore this with him. She went to bed thinking "Shit maybe he is the real deal."


Shanice was sleep as soon as she hit the bed. Ten minutes into her sleep, her phone rung. She had a text from Alonzo and after she read it and sent a reply she went right back to sleep. Their text was simple and said it all.

Lonzo: Good Night Ma, I know you probably sleep. Just wanted to make sure you got in safely. Btw do you want to go out for lunch tomorrow? If so meet me at, Tops Diner at 2pm. Sweet Dreams.

Me: I got in safely. Thanks for checking on me. I'll meet you there tomorrow. Good night :)


Brielle was still up on the computer, researching potential clients for her firm. As soon as she was about to turn her computer off, DING! Her iPhone had an awaiting text.

Future: still up?

Me: yes, I'm still up? And future huh?

Future: yes, don't deny it, lol

Me: we'll see.

Future: we definitely will.

Me: yupp.

Future: wyd tomorrow?

Me: nothing much, why wassup?

Future: wanna go out tomorrow around 3?

Me: sure, where are we going?

Future: idk yet, just dress comfortable.

Me: will do, I’ll meet you. But where?

Future: why can't I come get you?

Me: you ain’t ready for all that, so where are we meeting? Lol

Future: I see you got jokes. You got that. I'll text you the location in the morning.

Me: lol okay! I guess I'll ttyl.

Future: you definitely will.

Me: :)

Future: Good Night Sweetheart

Me: Good Night

Future: Don't forget to dream about me :) don't respond to this. Let me have the last word. Lol.

Brielle thought about it and decided that she would let him have that, but this would be the last time she let him have the last word. She was suddenly excited to see him tomorrow.

Chapter 5

If they were my type, I damn sure wouldn't be sitting here with you would I?” –Bri

Brielle woke up early the next morning so that she could make breakfast for her friends. Brielle missed having all of her best friends in the same house. This reminded her of when they moved off of Rutgers campus into a house at the beginning of their junior year. They had the best of times living in their house. Brielle's thoughts were interrupted when Danielle, Shanice and Chloe entered the room.

"Good Morning ladies, how was your sleep," an excited Brielle greeted.

"Great," said Danielle responded.

"It was fine," Shanice added.

"The best I've had in a long time," Chloe added.

"That's good. I wonder why," Brielle teased.

"Well I got a date today," Shanice said getting excited.

"With who," questioned Chloe.

"Don't you wanna know," Shanice responded.

"Girl if you don't tell us, we're gonna hurt you," a serious Danielle interrupted.

"If you must know nosey, I'm going out with Lonzo for lunch," Shanice said.

"I have a date today to." Brielle added.

"Well damn, I'm jealous of y'all," Danielle joked.

Before anyone had a chance to respond, Sabriya ran into the house screaming.

"What's wrong," Shanice jumped up worried.

"I'm getting married!" Sabriya jumped up and down showing them her 8-carat wedding ring.

"Oh my God," Brielle screamed dropping the pan on the ground and running over to Sabriya.



"How?" the girls questioned, excitedly.

"We want to know everything?" an excited Chloe questioned

"Girl. I woke up this morning and Hakeem asked me to take pictures with him for some photo shoot. So I got up for makeup and stuff. Now we at this place taking pictures, then Hakeem came up to me and say babe our last location is at some newly built football field. So now I'm getting pissed because he knows I hate taking pictures at different locations definitely on weekends. So 20 minutes later we get to the Giants football field and the girl from wardrobe gives me this little ass skimpy cheerleading outfit saying it will match Hakeem's football uniform. So you know I went off. I snatched the uniform and ran on the field to find Hakeem and when I got out there his whole family and my whole family was standing there. Then before I noticed anything, Hakeem was down on one knee asking me to marry him," Sabriya cried.

After Sabriya finished telling the story, all the girls ran up to her for a group hug. Each of the girls began to say congratulations and wish her the best. The girls were so happy for Sabriya Copyright 2016 - 2024