Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,42

order the pizza"

"Iight I'll be there in a half." Kiyan hung up the phone.


About twenty minutes later Kiyan pulled up in Brielle's driveway with the movies. He stepped out the car and thought about the relationship him and Bri had. Their friendship was something that shocked everybody including himself. He really loved their relationship, it felt like him and Bri had known each other all their lives. Kiyan loved the type of person Brielle was. She worked extra hard to get everything she wanted and he admired that. He respected her demanding career. Working as an image consultant required a lot of Brielle’s time and he supported her with what ever she needed. Sometimes she left work stressed and all she wanted to do was just vent. Anytime she wanted to vent, Kiyan always gave her his full attention. When she worked through lunch, Kiyan would always stop by and bring her lunch. Kiyan began to look forward to their weekly movie nights at her house because it always gave them a chance to catch up.

"Kiyan what the hell are you doing just standing there?" Brielle said interrupting his thoughts. Kiyan walked up to the porch and gave Brielle a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"I missed you, haven't seen your spoiled ass all week" Kiyan said.

"I know, I’ve been busy. The basketball season is about to start and everybody needs my attention right now." Brielle sighed.

"I kind of figured that, that's why I was stopping by."

"Wait hold up, you knew you were coming here before you called me. How you know I didn't have company," Brielle smiled.

"I didn't give a fuck if you did, we all would have been watching these damn movies." Kiyan laughed.

"Your so damn silly, come on. The pizza should be on it's way what did you bring?" she asked.

"I couldn't decide between like four movies so I bought all four of them. I have Bad Boys 2 because that's my shit. I have Kevin Hart's new comedy, Brown Sugar, and 21 Jump Street"

"Damn that's hard to choose from, um let's watch Brown Sugar and then the rest." Brielle said. As she walked in the kitchen, the bell rung and she yelled, "Kiy get the bell, that should be the pizza."

Brielle walked in the hall to see if Kiyan needed help and heard Kiyan going off on the young boy at the door.

"Kiyan why the hell you yelling at this boy." Brielle asked confused.

"Because I open the door and this nigga all stretching his fucking neck to look at your ass," Kiyan yelled.

"Oh lord, just pay the boy." Brielle laughed.

"B you laughing because you think this shit is a game, but it's not. He better watch his fucking eyes. That's your tip, so get the fuck off this porch," Kiyan laughed as he watched the delivery boy trip over the step. Brielle couldn't help but laugh feeling bad for that young boy.

"Kiyan you are wrong for that," Brielle continued laughing.

"Man whatever, I bet you his ass will keep his eyes on the person paying him next time," he replied sure of himself.

"Come on crazy ass." Brielle said taking the boxes and putting them on the table.

Brielle and Kiyan sat down and started watching their movies while eating their pizza. Brielle thought out loud, "I could get use to this. Movie night without all the stress."

"What's going on Bri, why you stressing?" Kiyan turned to her seriously.

"You know how work is. I can never find a moment to just breathe, she replied, I need to go to the damn Spa.”

"Come here let me show you something," Kiyan said. Brielle moved closer to Kiyan as she waited for him to show her whatever it is he wanted. Kiyan turned her back towards him and began to massage her shoulders. Brielle closed her eyes as she began to let go of all the stress from work this week. Kiyan felt her tensed shoulders loosing up and then when Brielle really got into it, Kiyan stopped. Before Brielle could open up her eyes, Kiyan was tickling her making her laugh.

"Oh my god, leave me alone," Brielle choking on her laughter.

"Nope," Kiyan laughed as he continued to tickle her. He knew her laughing and having fun would make all the stress and worries from the week go away.

"Kiyan, I'm going to hurt you fool. Stop it," Brielle said.

"Ok, I'm done. Do you feel better?" he asked as he stopped tickling her.

"Yeah I do, but you don't, Brielle said smacking him Copyright 2016 - 2024