Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,41

of her clients needed her full attention. She barely had time to eat or catch up with her girls, so watching TV was definitely not in the equation. It was Friday night and she planned on catching up with her girls, her reality shows and pushing her current situation with Kris to the side this weekend. She had been putting him on the back burner lately and she knew she would have to speak to him sooner or later. She still had to take her mother's advice and speak to Murder and check up on Kiyan. He had been a good friend to her lately, making sure she had lunch and kept her sanity at work. He would call just to tell her to have a good day. She hated that Kris couldn't even give her that, and he was suppose to be her boyfriend. Brielle picked up the phone to call the first person on her list.

"Yo," Murder picked up the phone.

"Is that how you answer your phone," Brielle asked.

"My bad, I didn't look at the phone," Murder lied.

"Jaiden, you have a iPhone there's no way you didn't know who was calling," Brielle reminded him she knew too much about him for him to lie.

"Oh yeah, my bad. What you doing? You calling a nigga to apologize?" Murder questioned.

"Apologize for what? You cheated on me and came over and disrespected my house," Brielle said getting pissed.

"I told you I didn't cheat, a nigga got framed," Murder continued.

"You are not on trial and we are over so you don't have to lie to me," Brielle said.

"If we’re over, then why you calling me? It's because we’re not over," Murder yelled.

Brielle hung up the phone and sighed. She knew it was a bad idea to call Murder. Every time she spoke to him, she asked herself why the hell she even fell for him in the first place. He was cocky as hell and not in a good way. She knew Murder wasn't playing with a full deck of cards. Brielle got up and decided to clean up her house.

Just as she was about to start cleaning her living room, her house phone rung. She hoped it wasn't Murder ass calling again.

"Hello," Brielle began.

"What’s up baby," she heard Kris' voice.

"Hey Kris, how are you?" she replied.

"I'm great, you? I miss you love," he added.

"Aw, I miss you too. I told you it has been a busy week for me," she reminded him.

"Yeah I know, I told you that you don't have to work all those hours, let me take care of you," Kris told her.

"I don't have the type of job where you quit, I own my company," Brielle said getting pissed.

"Give it up," Kris said.

Brielle thought to herself, this shit is really getting old. She didn't know what she saw in Kris either. She was starting to think that her and relationships didn't mix well.

"We need to change the subject." She said.

"Cool with me, what you doing?"

"Cleaning up and about to watch TV"

"Ooooh ok, you want some company?" he asked.

"Not really up for company tonight. I just want to catch up on some sleep"

"Okay. Can I take you out on Sunday? I haven't seen you all week," he said.

" Sunday it is," she said.

“Okay, I’ll talk to you later love," he said.

"Goodbye Kris. I'll talk to you later," she replied.


Brielle sat in her living room laughing at Basketball wives. She couldn't believe Evelyn just said Tami was a non-motherfucking factor. She knew if somebody ever called her that in public, she would quickly show them just how much of a factor she was. Just as she was about to rewind it her phone rung and by the ringtone she knew it was Kiyan.

"Hey Kiy, wassup?" Brielle laughed.

"What you laughing at Bri?" Kiyan asked.

"I'm up here watching Basketball Wives and its about to go down"

"Why do you even watch that shit, that shit for the birds"

"Oh shut up it's entertainment but what you up to?"

"I was about to stop through there, do you wanna watch a movie and get pizza?"

"Sure why not, we watching something here or you want to pick up a movie?"

"I'll pick something up because I swear if I watch Love & Basketball or Just Wright one more time imma go fucking crazy"

"Stop the shit boy, you be all into these movies so don't start now" Brielle laughed.

"Yeah right, I bet you we be watching some funny shit tonight"

"Yeah right, we'll see just hurry up. I'm about to Copyright 2016 - 2024