Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,37

doesn’t want to give me another chance. We became like the best of friends like Mercedes and me were when we were younger, but I want more. I'm not gone give up I tell you that much. It's something about this girl that got me wanting to be more. She reminds me a lot of you." Kiyan said.

"Me? Oh wow, she is definitely wonderful if she reminds you of me," Anyah laughed.

"Yeah she is. But I need help with figuring out what to do next." Kiyan said reminding her that he needed advice.

"Well, all I can say is show her that she's different. Do something you’ve never done before. Figure out what she likes and make it happen," she responded.

"I been doing that but you’re right, I need to do more. I don’t even know where to start. But first I gotta figure out this situation between me and Samara" Kiyan expressed.

"First of all Imma kick your ass, who the hell is Samara and why has it’s been months since you had a new “best friend” but you haven’t brought her to meet me. But that’s another story, tell me about what the hell is going on in your life so I can help you come up with some solutions," Anyah offered. Kiyan and Anyah sat and talked for hours about getting Kiyan back on Brielle's good side. After coming up with a plan, Kiyan ate dinner with his mother and kept her company until she was ready to go to bed. He loved spending time with his mother and he had to remind himself to surprise her more often. He would definitely remember the last thing she said before she laid down to go to sleep, “It’s pointless to sit around and dream about things that could never happen, when you can just wake up and make things happen.” He was going to make sure to make things happen with Brielle. But he had to make a phone call. It was time for his best friend to bring her ass home and do what a best friend was suppose to do, help him fix his fuckups.

Chapter 18

“Why did it take you so long to come back home?" -Kiyan

Kiyan sat at the airport waiting for his best friend to arrive. He missed his homie, it had been a minute since the two had been together. His mother gave him her version of the advice he needed, but he knew he was sure to fix things with Brielle with his best friend's advice. He looked up and smiled when he saw who he was waiting for. He threw his phone on the passenger seat and got out the car and was met by a happy scream.

"Best friend, I missed you yo," Mercedes said as she hugged Kiyan.

"Word yo, I missed you too. Why did it take you so long to come back home?" Kiyan questioned.

"Damn nigga, you gotta jump straight into a conversation about why I don't come home?" Mercedes joked.

"You can ignore my ass now, but mommy gone get in that ass later. She wants you to come by," Kiyan laughed.

"Aw damn, I didn't come all the way out her to be getting in trouble by mommy." Mercedes frowned.

Mercedes knew Anyah didn't play games when it came to her kids She remembered when they were thirteen and they didn't tell Anyah that Tyrese ran away from his adopted parents. She was about to whop all of them for keeping secrets from her. Mercedes remembered that day like it was yesterday. They were sitting on the porch asking Tyrese if he wanted to tell Anyah about his situation. Before Tyrese had a chance to answer, Anyah came outside pissed. She stood at the door and called all five of them in the house.

"Is there something any of y'all want to tell me?" She asked with her hands on her hips.

"Um no," Kiyan said looking around at his friends.

"Oh really, Mercedes come her," Anyah replied. Mercedes got up thinking she was safe from whatever punishment the boys were about to get. Before she knew it, Anyah had a belt in her hand and said, "All of y'all are getting ass whoppings if you don't tell me what's going on with Tyrese."

The kids were silent because they knew Anyah didn't play when she said she was going to do something, you better believe it would happen. They looked at each other and then decided it was better to tell the truth then to Copyright 2016 - 2024