Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,36

When Keyshia turned around and seen Kiyan, she lit up brighter than a Christmas tree. She was excited to see him; he hadn’t been back to the office since before she told Brielle about her plan to try to get with him.

“Wassup,” Kiyan said to Keyshia and Brielle.

“Hey Kiy,” Brielle smiled.

“Hello Kiyan,” Keyshia stood up next to him.

“What are you doing here?” Brielle asked.

“I was stopping by to talk to you for a second.”

“Okay. Keyshia could you give us a minute.”

“Sure, I’ll be right outside,” winking at Kiyan.

Kiyan walked over towards Bri desk and asked, “Ayo, did she wink at me?”

Brielle couldn’t help but laugh, “Don’t pay her no mind.”

“But aye I have a question,” Kiyan asked.

“Talk to me,” Brielle asked.

“Do you have a problem with my relationship?”

“No, why would you ask?”

“Because I was having a conversation with the boys and we thought that’s why you didn’t want to get to know her better?”

“That’s not the case. If it was that, why you don’t want to get to know Kris?”

“I’m not gone lie it is apart of the reason, but I still don’t like him as a person.”

“But why?”

“I told you he not the type of person I surround myself with.”

“Ok Kiy.”

“Iight. That’s the only reason I came. I’ll talk to you later.”


Kiyan gave Brielle a hug and walked out of her office. But before he even got a chance to walk out the building, he ran straight into Keyshia.

“How you doing Kiyan?”

“I’m good. Wassup with you?”

“I’m good trying to get to know you.”

“That sound good, but I got a girl.”

“Well your girl don’t have to know.”

“It’s nothing that she won’t know because I’m not doing nothing behind her back.”

“You sure about that?”

“I’m positive, and besides you’re not my type anyway,” Kiyan said walking out the door.

Chapter 17

"Well, all I can say is show her that she's different. Do something you’ve never done before.” -Anyah

After leaving Brielle’s office, Kiyan decided that he needed to pay his mother a visit. He didn’t know why, but Brielle reminded him of his mother. She was independent and she was focused just like his mother. Kiyan knew that he would have to work hard in order to convince Brielle to drop her stuck up ass boyfriend, and give him a chance to be something more. An hour later, Kiyan pulled up to his mother’s house and was glad that she was home.

“Ma, where you at?” Kiyan yelled.

“Boy, don’t be yelling at me. I’m in the living room,” his mother laughed. They had a very funny relationship. She loved her son to death, but she was always there to tell him when he was wrong. That is why he decided to let her know about Brielle. Maybe she could help him figure out a way to make things right.

“I wasn’t yelling old lady,” he joked while giving his mother a hug.

"Hey lil boy, what did I do to deserve this surprise visit?" Anyah smiled.

"I just need some advice and a home cooked meal," he responded.

"Advice I can do, but who said I cooked anything." she laughed.

"Ma, you cooked because I smelled it when I turned the corner on your block," Kiyan exaggerated.

"Funny, what did you do and how can I help?" Anyah said already knowing her son.

"Iight this what happen, I met this girl and her friends at the mall a couple months ago. So you remember we had that party for Zo’s album release party, so I invited them. You know how I am about trusting females after Maya. So I assumed the worse before I even knew her. So we at the party and I saw her and her friend all up in these basketball players face, so when we went out I called her out on it." he began.

"Kiy, please tell me you didn't do what I think you did?" she said already knowing her son.

"Yes ma, but I didn't mean for it to come out the way that it did. So after I made an ass out of myself, she went off. She started yelling about how she didn't need a man for nothing and that I had her messed up. Then she got up and left." he finished.

"Well, Kiy you better be lucky that she didn't slap your simple ass. I definitely taught you growing up to give someone the benefit of the doubt until you are shown otherwise." Anyah reminded him.

"I know ma. I apologized to her the next day at her job. She forgave me, but now she Copyright 2016 - 2024