Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,24

the past couple of weeks since he joined the gym. She would come in every week mostly on Monday’s, Friday’s, and Saturday’s but sometime she would squeeze in a session on Thursday mornings like today. She always wore different color Nike yoga pants and Nike sports bras. She normally would work with a personal trainer for the first hour and a half. Then she would run on the treadmill for the last forty-five minutes.

He was excited for their date. Since she didn’t want to do anything fancy, he thought that maybe a simple date to the Masina Trattoria restaurant in Weehawken. The restaurant overlooked the Hudson River waterfront and it was nice to go when you’re trying to get to know someone.


Brielle wasn’t really interested in being in another failed relationship, but she didn’t object to having dinner with a cute investment banker. She thought to herself, maybe if she dated a businessman her luck with relationships would change. Brielle figured she should inform the girls on her date for the night but before she had a chance, Keyshia was barging in the office.

“Oh my God, have you heard the latest on the street,” Keyshia said loudly.

“Girl, I don’t hear nothing on the street, but I guess you’re going to fill me in huh?” Brielle responded sarcastically.

“Well Ms. Bri word on the street is that Jaiden is walking around town with a new girl,” Keyshia smiled.

“Keysh, I don’t really care. Whatever Jaiden does, is Jaiden’s problem,” Brielle said seriously.

“Oh well, I was just letting you know because you know you’re my girl and I will do just about anything for you. I just had to let you know they said oh girl is just as pretty as you if not more. However, I doubt that because most people never seen you around Jaiden and don’t even know how you look. Shit, you’re one of the prettiest woman I know so it can’t be true,” Keyshia said going on and on.

“Thank you for the compliment Keyshia and you’re right. These are just rumors. However, I am definitely not interested or worried about Jaiden or none of his chicks,” Brielle said to her assistant.

“Oh really? That must mean you have moved on with that fine ass Kiyan,” Keyshia smiled while being nosey.

“Nope, Kiyan and I are just friends. Nothing more, nothing less.”

“Friends? Well shit I need to find a friend that brings me lunch twice a week, and make sure he calls and check up on you at least once a day,” Keyshia said jealously.

“We are only friends. Besides, if we weren’t just friends I wouldn’t be going on a date tonight with another man would I,” Brielle said trying to shut Keyshia up.

“Another man? How does he look? Where did you meet him? Is he as fine as Kiyan or Jaiden? Does he have a legit job? What kind of car does he drive and does he have a brother? Hook your girl up,” Keyshia said all in one breath.

“Keyshia, girl will you breathe. Sheesh. He’s just some guy I met at my gym. He asked me out, I said yes. Simple as that,” Brielle said.

“Well that’s good that you have finally decided to be in a relationship again.”

“Relationship? No it’s just a date. We’ll see where this goes. I’m going to take this slow. Not rush into anything like I tried with Kiyan,” Brielle said reminding herself of her past failures in dating.

“Well you know I’m here to talk if you need me,” Keyshia said.

“Yes I know, you’re like my personal diary. I tell you every damn thing,” Brielle smiled at her assistant.

“That’s what a friend is suppose to do. You talk and I listen and if I hear something that’s not right, I let you know,” Keyshia stood up to hug Brielle.

“You right, but friend I think it’s time to get back to work,” Brielle said as the office phone rung.

“You’re right. Oh by the way, since you and Kiyan are just friends, tell him I think he’s cute and maybe we can go far,” Keyshia winked.

“Go far? And that’s beyond my control. You like him, you tell him,” Brielle said.

“Next time I see him, I will,” Keyshia said walking out the office.

Brielle remembered a conversation that she had with Kiyan and she knew Keyshia wouldn’t get far. Keyshia was way too promiscuous for Kiyan; he wouldn’t even look her way. But if Keyshia was willing to try, then Brielle was willing to watch it all play out.

Chapter 13

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