Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,23

have a huge celebrity on our hands. But seriously, we are happy for both you and Sabriya. I know y’all had it taped, so just be prepared to show everyone at the wedding reception. Oh yeah, and make sure your card is ready for the charges coming your way. This will be big,” Shanice laughed.

“Knowing you, I already know. But I’m going to have Briya call you back. We’re about to go scuba diving.” Keem laughed as well.

“Okay, we love y’all.” The girls said together.

“We love y’all more,” Keem said hanging up.

Shanice hung up the phone, looked at the rest of the girls, smiled, and screamed, “OMG Sabriya got married.”

Brielle just laughed at Shanice. She thought Shanice was more excited than Sabriya and Hakeem. She was happy for her two friends because she thought they deserved love and each other. She just couldn’t help, but to feel sad because she would never have that.

Chapter 12

“Relationship? No it’s just a date.” -Brielle

It was seven o’clock in the morning and Brielle was at the gym when she constantly felt someone staring at her. She continued running on the treadmill thinking that maybe she was just being paranoid. As she wiped the sweat off her forehead, she began to work on her cool down. She had been there for three hours today, and she was almost ready to leave.

Just as Brielle was getting off the treadmill, she was approached by a medium built, dark skinned man. He had deep waves and killer biceps, reminding her of a younger Idris Elba.

“Hello beautiful,” the handsome stranger said.

“Hi,” Brielle said drinking water and fixing her ponytail.

“Can I ask your name,” he asked.

“Nope, but you can offer yours,” Brielle said seriously.

“Wow. You’re serious. The name is Kristopher. Kristopher Johnson.”

“Hello Kristopher,” Brielle said offering him her hand.

“I just wanted to come over and tell you that I’ve seen you here plenty of times before, but I never had the courage to come over here and actually speak to such a beautiful lady as yourself.”

“Flattering. The name is Brielle.”

“I finally get to put a name to the pretty face.”

“I guess so,” Brielle smiled.

“So Brielle, what do you do for a living?”

“I’m an image consultant. What about you, what is it that you do?”

“I’m an investment banker for MC & Bankers,” Kris offered.

“That’s great. So you come here often? I never seen you around here,” Brielle asked.

“Yes, I’m a regular here. I’ve seen you in here a couple of times.”

“Oh cool. So, I’ll see you next time,” Brielle said about to walk off.

“Wait, can I ask you something,” Kris blurted out.

“Sure, I’m listening.”

“I think you’re beautiful. I think you would be a great person to get to know. Would you mind going out with me?” A nervous Kris asked.

“Uh. I just met you and you’re a stranger. So going out with you is not really the first thing I would agree to,” Brielle said honestly.

“Strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet. Can you take the chance to get to know me?”

Brielle thought about it. She didn’t really know Kris, but he was different from all of the other guys she dated. Murder was a street dude. She dated the pretty boy type. That didn’t work out. Even though she didn’t go further than one date, Kiyan was an industry mixed with street dude. She was willing to give Kris a chance. You can’t find Mr. Right until you dated and dumped Mr. Wrong.

“Okay. Sure I will go out with you,” Brielle smiled.

“Great. When are you free tomorrow night?”

“Actually, I’m not. I’m going to a basketball game with my friend.”

“How about Saturday night?”

“I’m not sure, are you free tonight?”

“Yes, I’m free. So where would you like to go?”

“You can surprise me. Don’t go overboard.”

“Okay. I can do simple. So we should exchange numbers, so I can let you know exact plans and exact times.”

“Cool, put your number in my phone and I’ll do the same,” Brielle said while grabbing her phone out of her gym bag and handing it to Kris. The two exchanged numbers and gave the phones back.

“So, I’ll speak to you later. I have to go home and get ready for work,” Brielle offered.

“Okay great, I will call you later.” Kris smiled.

Kristopher couldn’t believe his luck. Before today trying to speak to the beautiful Brielle was just a thought far in the back of his mind. He was glad that she agreed to an early dinner date later in the day. He had been watching her over Copyright 2016 - 2024