Forever After All - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,16

boots and well-worn jeans any day over sweater vests and loafers. “Juice is fine.”

“You want some coffee too?”

“Um… sure. I can get it,” I offer again.

“Let me take care of you,” he says, his voice low and only for me. He stands and walks around the counter, pulling a mug out of the cabinet and pouring me a cup of coffee. “Black?”

“Yeah. Thanks.” I take the offered cup when he hands it to me. I sip the nectar of the gods while I watch him also pour me a small glass of juice and slide it across the island. When he takes his seat next to me, I set my coffee down and settle down to eat. Just before I take my first bite, his large hand lands on my thigh. I pause and glance over at him out of the corner of my eye, but he’s just taken a huge bite of bacon, his head turned toward Corbin, listening to whatever it is he’s saying.

Turning to my left, I look over at Laramie, who’s ignoring me for her fiancé. I get it. They just got engaged last night, but I need backup. I don’t know what’s happening here. It’s as if I came home to the twilight zone. Every dream I’ve ever had about Rip wanting me is suddenly the only thing I can think about. Five years ago, before I left for college, I would have given anything for him to notice me. Here I am five years later, and I’m preening from his attention. I don’t know what any of this means.

“You not hungry?” Rip asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

“No. It’s good. Thank you.”

“You okay?” He gives my thigh a gentle squeeze.

No. I am not okay. Why are you touching me? Please don’t ever stop. Instead, I say, “Yeah, just still tired, I guess. Thank you for this.”

He leans in close. “You’re welcome.” He pulls away and digs into his breakfast as though nothing has changed. Like he’s not spinning my mind or my heart in circles. I want to ask him what all of this means. I want to know if his kisses, and his tender touch, mean something to him, like it does to me, but part of me thinks this attraction between us is all in my head. He’s just being flirty and friendly.

That’s all it is.


Chapter 5


I can’t stop touching her. If she’s close to me, I have to have my hands on her. I can’t seem to stop myself. I’ve wanted her for so long, and when she walked into my parents’ place two days ago, something inside me shifted. That something craves her with an intensity I’ve never experienced before. I’ve always wanted her; she’s gorgeous. What’s surprising to me is the need that I have for her and the depth of my feelings that I never realized were there. The reality that she’s home for good, and that I could finally have everything I’ve ever wanted, is a lot to take in.

I want her to be mine.

“So, what are we doing today?” Corbin asks from his seat next to me. He’s resting his arm on the island, his chin propped up on his hand. It’s easy to see he’s hungover from last night.

All of our plates are empty, even McKenna’s, which makes me smile. I don’t know why, but something about the fact that I cooked for her, that I’m taking care of her, has my heart swelling in my chest. It’s a new feeling, one I’ve never felt before, but it’s one I could quickly get used to. I knew I cared about her. Hell, she’s been in my life since we were kids. But this intensity, this need to be with her all the time, the yearning to feel her in my arms, it’s new and unexpected.

I shrug and turn to look at McKenna. “You said you wanted to relax. Anything specific you have in mind?” Whatever she wants to do, I hope it involves me. I want all of her time.

“Oh, you don’t have to entertain me.” She’s quick to reply.

I lean in close, getting a whiff of my body wash, and my cock stirs, knowing she smells like me. “We talked about this,” I remind her. “I want to spend time with you.” You need to relax, and I need you. “Tell me what you want to do today.”

“I’m up for anything.”

I look past McKenna to my sister. “Lara?”

She places her hand on McKenna’s shoulder. Copyright 2016 - 2024