Forever After All - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,15

be something there. I expected more than a few kisses and a hug.”

“He asks about me?”

She nods. “Yeah, pretty frequently. I thought maybe he was finally pulling his head out of his ass and claiming you as his.”

I don’t know why I’m fighting this attraction. I guess I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. It always does. “We both know that’s not going to happen.” I’m not sure what’s going on between us, but it feels too good to be true. I don’t want to get my hopes up.

“I guess we’ll see.”

I can tell she’s not convinced that’s not what’s happening. However, I was here in the moment, and a hug and some tonsil hockey and words spoken in the moment isn’t exactly what futures are made of. Even him dropping the word beautiful isn’t enough to justify what she thinks might be happening.

“These should work.” She points to the clothes on the bed. “What are you doing today that you needed to shower here?”

“I— Nothing that I know of. He did mention hanging out. He just told me he could get me some of your clothes that you keep here and that he was going down to start breakfast.”

She wags her eyebrows. “He’s into you.”

“Stop it. You’re going to get my hopes up. Besides, we both know Rip could have any woman he wants.” I hold up my hand when she starts to argue. “You know I’m right,” I tell her.

“Whatever you say, Mac. I’m going to shower with my fiancé. I’ll see you downstairs.” With a wag of her eyebrows, she jumps off the bed and leaves the room.

Grabbing the clothes she brought for me from the bed, I lock myself in his bathroom. His scent surrounds me.

I can’t believe, after crushing on him as hard as I did, that I’m finally here, in his room. That I slept in his bed, in his arms last night. The teenager McKenna would be thrilled at this turn of events.

Who am I kidding? The adult McKenna is too.

After my shower, I took my time getting dressed. Luckily Laramie and I are the same size, just like we’ve always been, and we have the same taste in clothes. She gave me a pair of cutoff jean shorts and a tank top. Some might think it’s weird to wear your best friend’s bra and panties, but they’re clean, and this is Laramie, my very best friend. There are worse things I could be wearing. The outfit is perfect for the Texas summer heat. Knowing I’ve stalled long enough, I pull open his bedroom door and make my way downstairs.

“There she is. I thought you fell back asleep,” Rip says as soon as I enter the kitchen.

“Sorry, the shower was too nice not to indulge.” I take a look around the room. The long kitchen island has six barstools. Colby and Laramie are occupying two on one end, while Rip and Corbin take up two on the opposite, leaving two in the middle. I spy a plate full of crispy bacon and pancakes and have to bite down on my cheek to keep from smiling.

“Kenna,” Rip says, my name pulling my attention away from breakfast. He’s standing with a plate that I assume is for me as he places it on the island next to where he was sitting. “Come and eat.”

“Why didn’t you make my plate?” Corbin asks.

“Because you don’t have legs like McKenna,” Colby fires back.

“Is that how it is?” Corbin chuckles.

My eyes are locked on Rip. He smiles and shrugs before pulling out the barstool next to him, motioning for me to sit.

My eyes flash to my best friend, who’s grinning from ear to ear. She mouths, “Told you,” before turning back around and focusing on her plate.

My feet carry me to the seat Rip insisted that I take, and I sit.

“What do you want to drink?” Rip asks.

“Oh, I can get it.” I start to stand, but his hand on my shoulder stops me.

He bends close, his hot breath brushing across my face. Goose bumps break out on my skin when he says, “Tell me what you want, Kenna.”

You. The deep timbre of his voice and the way that his hand traces down my bare arm tells me he’s not just asking what I want to drink. At least I don’t think he is. I’ve not dated much. I wasn’t kidding when I told Rip the guys at school were not my type. Give me a man in Copyright 2016 - 2024