Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,57

but IT makes them easy to reach.”

“I like that. Garren and Michael came for lunch. I asked if Télia was back with them and Garren questioned that. I didn’t tell them what happened. Just that I saw them on tracking with her. Michael was watching me. Garren didn’t ask anything more. He wants to change the name of the Alpha-Bit safe zone to safe zone because he lives here and isn’t an Alpha-Bit.”

I laugh. He’s cute. “It’s named after the Alpha-Bits because Alder bought the land and built it. They took no money from the Clubs or me. I tried. Cort and the Prince Protectors helped with the outer land. The Protectors helped build every fucking thing here but Alder paid the bills and got it done. It’s an Alpha-Bit safe zone built by them to live safely. Alder built the Protectors and me a compound on Alpha-Bit land. I can’t really complain about the name. He’s President of the Alpha-Bits, this is his compound.”

“I’ll explain it. I didn’t know all that. I’m proud to live on the Alpha-Bit compound with you and my Alpha-Bit family.”

I smile. “I’m honored to live here too. I’m so proud of all of them and you, Lexi. Alder is going right back out from Princes. Aiyana and their doc will take care of the kids while they’re out again. Aaron, Jinx, Eli and Brody are on their way to Princes now. They’ll help.”

She sits up. “That’s good. They’ll have Alpha-Bits there to help. It’s always easy when you see the same as you.”

“Yes. I have a couple of hours and the leads Cort gets. I need to pull the questioning up.”

She’s up and pulling my hand. “Go, we need the leads. I can run later if you need me too.”

Not a chance. “Stay on the kids. I have a whole tech department to run leads for me. You’re fast with international leads. We need that.”

She nods. “Okay. I’m going back to my office.”

When she starts walking with my hand in hers, I pull her back. She’s an amazing woman that has no idea how amazing she is. Her body turns and she’s off balance. It fits perfect for what I want. When she hits my chest, my mouth is on hers and arms hold her so I can feel her heart beating against me. I love that feeling.


I smile moving my hands up her back and into her hair. With a quick kiss to her lips I hug her getting my fill of her heart beating wildly. She described that perfectly. “Yeah, Anton.”

“Alder on Ops. More Brothers for us.” He’s excited.

“My beautiful girl found more and has a location on a possible lead. Surveillance will need help on that.” I don't move anything but my mouth. My eyes are on hers, hands in her hair, chest still feeling her heartbeat.

“Good job, Boss Alexia. Smart good for Alpha-Bits, Club.”

I smile seeing her surprise. “She doesn’t believe when you tell her how beautiful or amazing she is, Brother. I was explaining it.”

She smiles with a shy look in those washed-out blue eyes. “Women crazy. We see.” Anton is good at helping.

I smile bigger. “We do see it. Someday she will too.” With a kiss to her lips, I step back. “She is going to work on the lead.”

“I off. I help, Boss Alexia.”

She turns toward him like it was hard to tear her eyes off mine. I like the thought and feeling that brings. “We could use help. They’ll need current surveillance for the new location and a confirmation the kids are inside on the other.”

“I work Lead. Languages no problem.”

Alexia nods. “That’s good. Some of the pronouns and conjugations throw me. It’s a time waster when I have to look words up.”

Anton nods. “I help, Boss Alexia. Alpha-Bits need no time waste. We work together.”

She bends and kisses his head. “Thanks, Anton. Let’s get this done, maybe Alder will have three Ops for kids this week. He needs time off.”

Anton takes her hand and they walk away talking about Alder’s free time. I’m smiling as I follow. They have a job to do. So do I. Catching up at her office, I kiss her head then Anton’s.

“Have fun. I’m grilling tonight at the pool. I have to meet Bear at five-thirty.”

My amazing girl smiles. “Pick me up. I’m off at five.”

Anton pulls her in.

Fucking Brothers. Love in her eyes was a chance at a second kiss. With him in the room, my chance of a Copyright 2016 - 2024