Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,56

She looks at me. “Can I release the classes I taped now?”

I nod and get smiles from all of them. “I’ll put them on this class’s board. Every training class I’ll add a new one.”

She gets hugged from Runar and Zachon. They run and stop by me. “Thanks, Boss Web. We work here.” Runar likes it here. This is good.

I hug them and kiss their heads. “We’ll be honored to have you working with us, Runar. It takes us all to keep it going and find the other Alpha-Bits. We found more today. Alder is on his way back to the US with them. They’ll need help. When new come in, we all help teach them about living free.”

Zachon shakes his head. “How much?”

“Four, one is hurt, they’re all small and skinny. We’ll get good food into them and help. Alder was speaking Russian. They didn’t know German.”

He nods. “I help speak Russian. Laran, Levon, Quincy help.”

“That will be good, Zachon. Alder and a few As know Russian. I think some from the island do too. With so many new, Alder is busy. We need the help. I’m proud of you for stepping up,” I tell him in German.

He smiles and hugs me again before running out. Alexia laughs.

“You speak German?”

She nods. “I learned a lot from the program. At night, I had nothing else to do.”

Unbelievable is the word of the day. “I love you, sexy Lexi.”

She smiles and sits on my lap. “I love you too. How hurt is the boy, he looks tiny. How old are they?”

“He was beat. Alder said nothing broken. Mucimi is fine. The kids should be in their late teens. Eighteen, nineteen, maybe twenty.”

“They’re so small.”

I nod wiping her tear. “They are, some of that may change when they eat right. The As were all skinny too. Not as bad as the new coming in but they were skinnier than they are now.”

“They don’t look skinny to me. The Sweden and island kids do. Jacques and Gregor do too.”

I nod. “Jacques was bad. Gregor is gaining weight now. He takes a supplement for his stomach.”

“That’s good. What can I do to help the new? Alder wouldn’t let us near the new kids when they first came in.” She’s perfect.

“I love that you want to help. If they’re not sick, they’ll need to learn how to live away from the computer. If they’re sick, they’ll be held in the medic rooms Alder has. You found more.”

She smiles. “I did. The lead I had made it easy to follow. I sent it to Billy and Brantley. Billy had information that matched from another lead. With the two, we got a new location. The last one I sent and put surveillance on it. I’ll get into the guards tonight. With names we can get someone talking or texting. That would be two locations in one day.” She’s proud, she should be. A confirmed location and lead to another is more than we expected on the day of an Op that got four kids flying to safe right now.

I kiss her head. “Was either from the NIT?”

She smiles. “Not these. Techs logged two that clicked the hook last night and this morning. I followed and put up contact sheets for those but haven’t followed them yet. I’m supposed to follow up on the locations to get a confirmation of kids. I won’t see the NIT leads until this is done. They may be followed before I’m finished.”

It’s a good system. She’s good with international laws and ways around them. “I’m glad you’re on this. I’ll look at the boards tonight. It was a busy day. Did you get your new phone?”

She gives me a nod. “Cort is at Bravo with Teller to question the guy they picked up. He was outside of the Bravo compound. I’m glad you knew to run the phone.” I get a smile and kiss it.

“It’s standard procedure. No ID showed on the screen. I ran the number and sent it to Akai. I don’t have a partner here. I have questions about who I can talk to and who I send alerts like that to.” That’s a good idea.

“I like the procedure. Akai is a good one to partner you with. You can talk to AJ, Hannah and Stella about IT issues or questions you have. You can always talk to me, Akai, Amal and Alder if you can catch him. If we’re all not available, the women. They’re not as close, Copyright 2016 - 2024