Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,52

Answering and checking the information they pulled shows two NITs that came back with a tag to the dark web name. We used this in the FBI for dark web addresses. Some quick thinking and code will get your bug into the user’s system. From there you can get location and more information like address and name. People don’t think. If you’re on the dark web, you shouldn’t answer email from off the dark web. You shouldn’t be ordering stuff from chain stores either. I used the NIT code on a Napa store invoice. The guy should know he paid at the store. Once he emailed the store, he was found. I have an IP address, name, phone number and last known address. I even know the guy drives a Dodge truck with black plastic protectors on his side windows.

The ABC liquor guy is the same. He went from the CIA address to ABC liquor. I sent an ad with free delivery and he clicked it. Not very smart. I’d never know more than he’s in ABC liquor territory if he wouldn’t have shown me. The chain is all over Florida, but the man I need is in Cape Canaveral.

Filling out the contact sheet I add why we're looking for this guy. It’s a good question so I follow the lead from the NIT back. He was in contact with an ex-CIA agent from Langley. The agent was fired with the Director and deputy Director. Getting into the EROP programs, I look for more. This guy was on with the ex-agent last week for seven minutes. It’s not an email transmission for that long.

Commander Saber got us a program from LB Programming that follows email and anything a computer does. If you have the IP, you can get everything. I put the IP address in and go back to the Napa guy.

Most people find this boring. I like finding information that isn’t easy to get.



I text Stella asking about his gear. She sends back she covered it. I relax and watch the plane land. Alder is covered a little better than the regular gear at least. She said they could add a lightweight plating. They use Kevlar for everything and it sounded like he’d be wrapped in bubble wrap the way she said elastic Kevlar wrapped. I hope it works like that. He isn’t having a problem moving.

He runs from the back of the plane and I zoom on him. “What the fuck? Is that a mini MP?”

Cort smiles. “Falcon had it made for his new suit. It’s lightweight too. Stella is good with the metals and shit. He’s got a skeleton to help in it or some shit.”

I shake my head. Jesus. They’re crazy. He is too.

The chopper ride is short. My heart is in my throat when it shoots through the doors and they jump out. I don’t see Alder and Justice so I follow with tracking. They stop in a long hall. My head swings to the boards. Justice shows on Alder’s body cams. He has three on him. He’s working on a keypad and Justice is fighting what looks like a ninja with a weird eye like Jinx but not. They’re so fast, I have trouble catching if either gets hit. Justice flips and the guy is right with him. The guy ran to do that. I see surprise then anger. He’s behind the ninja, then the ninja is down. I don’t know if it’s the broken neck or the shot to the chest.

I’m looking for who is in the hall. Alder is putting his gun away. He shot the ninja. I’m not sure what to feel.

Alder: “Too long. No time to ninja.”

Justice is gone and so is Alder. I follow tracking. He shot the ninja. When they stop my head goes to the board and I see the kids. Shit, no. I blink to see them better. They look as bad as Jacques when he came in. They’re in dirty underwear so every rib and their tiny frame is seen.

Justice: “Fuckin’ hell. Where is the other one? We have four here.” The kids just look at him.

Alder: He asks in German then Russian. A small boy points to a door. Alder opens it. “Fucking dicks.”

Justice: “Is he alive?” We’re all thinking it. Cort is quiet. Ben is running this Op. Cort would have asked.

Alder: He pulls his hand away from the boy’s neck. All we see is his skinny back that looks dirty. “Yeah, bruise. Copyright 2016 - 2024