Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,48

heard all year. This little Brother isn’t happy about much. “Dog speak German. Yes, yes.”

I laugh pulling my phone and call Knight. When I say German, Ramell hits Runar’s arm and smiles. He doesn’t believe it’s real. I hang up from Knight.

“He’s here in four days with a dog for you. Get with Anton and see what a dog needs and how to care for it. Your dog is Security for you so he’ll watch out for you too. Don’t buy supplies for it yet. Knight will order everything you need, even toys, they’ll come with your new dog.” German works with him. I get a big smile then he throws himself at me.

I kiss his head and hug him. “You get to live your happy, Ramell. Alpha-Bits find that happy in work, there’s more to life than work, we’ll teach you about the other stuff. Find your happy and live it.” I hope I said it right.

He understood. “Thanks, Web. I find happy here. Dog German.”

I laugh. “I don’t know what kind but he’ll understand German commands. Knight is from Mass MC. That’s near Princes. Ben Knight is his son.”

He looks amazed by that. I wipe his tears and kiss his head again. “See Anton. He can teach you about his dog.”

He nods and runs. I smile watching him. “Afraid, real no last.”

I turn to Runar. “I can understand that. The As took years to get that they weren’t going to get sold again. We’ve learned how to talk and understand each other. Now they help the other kids learn to live happy.”

He smiles. “Thanks, Web. Free good.”

I kiss his head and stand. “That it is, little Brother. I need to get to dinner, Alexia will be waiting.”

“I stay. Eat with hamster.”

“Make sure you eat a full meal. They just need the vegetables. You need meat.”

He looks at them running through the tunnel then back at me. “Get a tray and come back. You can eat and watch them play in their new house.”

That makes him happy. We go to the kitchen and he looks around. “Bear, can you get a tray for Runar? He wants to eat watching his hamsters run.”

He nods. “On it, Web. We had a bunch order trays. Bravo doesn’t eat in their houses much.”

I smile. “They got pets today so they want to be close. It’s a new thing, they’ll be back here once it’s not so new.”

“Got it.”

Runar smiles. “Thanks. I bring tray later.”

I nod. “They’ll need it for tomorrow. They only have so many so they need to wash them and you can order one again tomorrow if you want to eat at your house.”

He nods. Télia, Alejandro, Alexia and the Ms come in behind Jacques and Jose. “Web!” Jacques is excited.

“Jacques!” I yell back smiling. Ranger, Freedom and the Rs come in as I’m bending for him.

“Bosses here!”

I smile. “They are.”


I look at Ranger. “We’re taking them to the pet store after dinner. Anton showed the Rs his cat. They love it.”

Freedom rolls her eyes. “You want a cat. They were playing with the dog.”

I laugh kissing Jacques’ head. “Have fun at the pet store. Marco and Mateo got fish. You use your card if you want something there.”

He’s so cute kicking his skinny little legs. “Roger, Web.”

His chair spins almost knocking me over. Runar laughs holding my arm. “Boss, card!”

Ranger bends to Jacques. “If you want something in the pet store, we’ll use the card to buy it. It’s like the chips you bought. We use the card and you can get what you want. You have to take care of a pet like Chien de Nage.”

The dog comes away from the wall like they called him over. Only Jacques would name his dog, Swim Dog. He’s so fucking cute.

Alexia laughs. I pull her seat out and help get Roman in his highchair. Bear brings a BSC West bag with a tray in it out for Runar. “You have to bring the tray back. They’re running low with everyone eating at their houses.”

Runar nods. “Roger, Boss Bear.” He runs making Bear laugh.

“It’s an exciting day.” Télia is watching with a smile.

“It is. They got pets. Runar got hamsters. We set up the tunnels going all around his house. It’s cute.”

“I want hamsters. They have a ball and wheel they run on. Micah has a hamster and Daniel has a dog now that Garren is here.”

“That’s what happened to Garren’s dog?” I didn’t know he left her there.

Télia nods. “It was Copyright 2016 - 2024