Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,47

“One word, yes. Hamster. You need to know how to take care of it.”

Wolfgang nods seriously. “Read.” He shows me his phone with a picture of a hamster and words in German. “Live happy. Here we happy. We teach pet live happy.”

I smile. “Let’s get you started so you can teach the pet. It needs a house so it stays safe.”

He nods. “I read. Safety little pet.”

I nod and speak German for them. “That’s right. I’m proud of you for looking at safety for your pet. It will be happy that he has a home and people caring about him. What kind of house do you think he’ll like?”

He points up. I get the house and see a ball that the hamster can roll around in. There are a million tunnels Wain points at. I get them down for him. The two tiny hamsters have a cart full of shit. I can’t help smiling. They’re so cute finding organic food for it.

“The greenhouse has good food for it too.”

They’re surprised. I turn the box of food over and read the ingredients in German. They smile and put the box back. I guess the hamsters will be eating organic from the greenhouse.


I look for Anton, with all the Alpha-Bits here, I don’t see him. “Where are you, Anton?”

“Here!” A bell rings and I see him throwing a little ball up.

Wain and Wolfgang are watching me. “Do you need anything else, Brothers?”

They smile shaking their head. “Pay.”

I nod. “You have cards. Use the card to pay. Wait for me at the register. I can get everything delivered to your house.”

They’re smiling with nods now. I kiss their heads and go to see what’s got Anton so excited. On the way I call for Prospects. There’s no way I’m fitting everyone’s shit in the SUV.

Anton found his cat. He says it smiles and matches the color of his house. I get the color but not the smile. I guess it isn’t in the mood. With a scratching post, that’s twice as big as him, has a bed sticking out in the middle and a house on top, a litter box that does something for smell, bowls, nip, toys and half a cart of tiny canned food, he’s ready to check out.

Laran from Sweden has a ferret, Chang a cat, Emilio a hamster with almost the same amount of shit Wolfgang and Wain got for theirs. I don’t see what the others checked out with. I hope no one got the spiders or snakes I saw.

Asa is behind me when I turn away from the Prospect. He’s got a tank and a piece of driftwood on top. “What did you get?” I hope it’s not a snake.


I nod. A dragon. They have dragons? Turning my head, I yell, “Delivery to Alder’s!” Dragons are real. Crazy is playing out.

A Prospect comes running. “I’m Bravo.”

I nod. “This is to Asa’s.”

He pushes the cart away happy to have a job. I text Alder that Asa bought a dragon at the pet store.

‘Vacation,’ is all he sends back.


Alexia is at Mateo and Marco’s setting up the fish tanks. I help Runar get his two hamsters in his little habitat. He said one would be lonely. I kiss his head. His brother, Ramell, watches without speaking. Once the tunnels are connected, Runar opens the little snap door that blocks them in the main house. We watch and follow as the hamsters run the tunnels. Runar laughs when they stop to run on a wheel in a smaller house. I’ve never had hamsters and like that they have tunnels to run and shit to do that keep them happy. We have tunnels going all around Runar’s little house.

“I think they’re going to be happy here, Runar. You’ve made them a home that keeps them safe and has plenty for them to see and do. Don’t forget to pick up the food they need each day. The plant wall or greenhouse should have what you need. They don’t eat much.” I smile. “Like the Alpha-Bits.”

He nods and points to a small water bottle in the little wheel house. “Water. Every day clean.”

I nod. “You’re going to be a great pet owner. I’m proud of you.”

He smiles proud. They’re cute.

“Dog,” Ramell says.

“You want a dog?”

He doesn’t answer. I try again in German. “Dog. I take care dog.”

I nod. “We have someone that trains them. I can ask if he’ll train one in German for you.”

He smiles like that’s the best news he’s Copyright 2016 - 2024