Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,37

I can say it is perfect from experience. Now I can repay that. Let me know if my book is right, sexy Lexi.”

She shivers as I strip her pants down and kiss her sexy little pink panties before I tear them off her. That gets a moan. I like the moan and get another when I sit her on top of the cabinet and spread her legs wide.

Chapter Five

Three days


Brekan walks into Ops so I throw chin. “You ready, Brothers?”

I look at Cort. He’s going to Bravo with Brekan. AJ had her boy today. Vincenzo Jettison Decker is a couple of weeks early and doing fine. That’s a hell of a name. Jack’s dad was Vince so I get it, he’s honoring his dad. It’s a hell of a name. “Chenzo is getting older by the minute here. Harper said to hurry you up.”

Cort laughs. “I like Chenzo. I’m using it. Vincenzo is too much. We’re ready.”

I look at him wondering who we is. “Let’s go, Brother. You’re off and we’re going your way.”

I nod and close my open files. I rode in. I’m glad I have more than one bike. I don’t like the smart cars as much as my sexy Lexi does. I smile putting my glasses in the case. I had to disable the feed when she popped another surprise on me in the smart car. The woman is lethal.

“Alexia waiting?” Brekan asks,

I’m still smiling. “No, she’s on for another two hours. She found shit in Zurich so she won’t leave until I go get her.”

He doesn’t look happy. “Were you going to get her?”

What the hell? “Yeah, in two hours. She can work from home if she wants. We have dinner plans with the Bits.”

“I in, Web. Later, dudes.” Anton runs by making me smile.

Cort laughs following him out the door. “He’s all in, Brekan. Alexia is his one. We all knew the day she showed. Web’s not a Brother you need to worry about.”

“What? Why the fuck would you worry about me?”

Cort reaches back grabbing a wad of shirt at my chest and pulls as he walks. “Relax. They’re all protective of Alexia. The smile you were wearing had him doubting it with the she’s working line. They know she won’t stop. That leaves you free.”

“Why the fuck are you worrying about me. I’d never hurt her.”

Brekan puts his hands up. “The Club chicks talk, Brother. Your name was one I heard. Harper was worried. This just happened so it was in my head.”

I roll my eyes and pull my shirt from Cort. “I’m following, Boss. I don’t need to be dragged through training.”

He’s got a good grip on my shirt. Cort looks back and laughs. “Yeah. You freeze when shit goes through your head. I was making sure you followed.” He lets me go.

I’m relieved and walk fast so I keep up. He’s in a good mood. If he was pissed I may have gotten shot. It hasn’t happened in a while. He probably wouldn’t want to carry me to the chopper so I’m safe.

Raid runs down the stairs behind us. “It’s shopping day. You do this shit on purpose.”

I smile. They’re always the same. Cort answers as expected. “Yeah, I planned AJ having a baby almost a month early just to fuck with your shopping day. Lorelei doesn’t like you shopping with her. Find a new hobby. I’ll get Alder to send you a list. He had some good ones on the old list.”

I laugh. “They were Faith’s. Her uncle had bucket lists. They did shit every year until it was done then made new lists. She’s done everything but run with bulls.”

Brekan looks at me as if I’d lie. Raid laughs. “He sees everything from everywhere.”

I shake my head climbing in the chopper. “No, Alder told me.”

Cort laughs. “He sees everything.”

I nod. “He does. He got the Sweden kids back in line. They’re used to a constant schedule and someone following behind them.”

Raid smiles. “He shot the Zale kid.”

Cort nods. “Disrespect is big with Alder. When Zale stopped flopping around, the others were pissed at him. Alder is offering them to be free and Zale was fighting it. He sees it different now. I talked to him about the Princes. He still wants to go on the circuit and asked who gives schedules, where they’ll sleep and shit. Zale still thinks he’ll be stuck in a Lab.” He’s another that sees everything. He fixes everything too.

I nod. “I talked to Brantley. They Copyright 2016 - 2024