Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,36

can be tools without holes in their feet. They’re already stupid, they don’t need to be hurt more.”

Garren looks at Michael getting a nod. “Okay.” They leave to search for a snack.

“They’re so fucking cute.”

“You always say that about everyone.”

He nods. “I do because they are.”

I think about that. Shooting feet for mean wasn’t cute. They learned about not being mean back and agreed not to shoot feet. I guess that could be cute because Garren says they’re still tools. “You’re right. They’re cute. I tell Garren stuff all the time. He always comes around and says they’re tools. It’s funny how he sticks to that even when nothing is really settled. There will always be mean people. Here we can relax and don’t see it so much. It’s like the neighborhood Garren and Alex built. The unit keeps mean out.”

“That’s what we’re doing here. The safe zone is relatively free of assholes and the Brothers and families living here are stepping up and in to protect it. They want to live without the assholes, with better schools and people that care about each other. It’s a better world to live in. The next time they want to take you to lunch, stay in the safe zone. There are restaurants and stores at every community here. None are the same so you have choices.”

I smile. We’re safe in all the new communities here. “This is bigger than the neighborhood. I like living here. I like it more now that I have you. I want to see the solar community. Garren says they have LED lights there at night and the walkways are like Perez’s. When you step on them, they light up.”

He nods. “We can take a ride over. This weekend I need to go to the Club. We can have dinner then head over. The Brothers are curious about you.”

“Okay. The Brothers scared me at first but Marks and Raid said to relax, more will protect me even though they look scary. I’ll be with you so we’ll be good.”

“We will. You don’t mind the company in Colorado?” He’s walking with a baby but his eyes are focused on me again.

“No, I like people around and you have plans. They made me think of a plan. We need an empty room. The video said surprises are good for relationships and someplace that’s not secure turns men on.”

He’s standing with the baby fighting to get down. “What’s the plan?”

I shake my head taking the baby and setting him down. “I can’t tell you. It’s a surprise. Find the room and I’ll show you.”

He pulls on my arm. “Wait. The nurses aren’t back. They have four minutes left on their break. I’m glad they get to have breaks like that.”

He shakes his head. “We send them out when we come in. They’re in the next room. Security will send them in.”

He’s excited for a surprise. Men are funny. He tells the Security guy to send the nurses in and pulls me to a door that’s gray with pictures of cleaners on it. “Not many places here are not on the feeds. This is the closest.”

It’s a supply closet for the nursery. I don’t even smile. He’s being very serious so I will too. When the door closes, I turn fast, push him against it and unbuckle his belt while I kiss him. The belt isn’t so easy when I’m not looking at it. His hands go right to my hair just like the video. I guess it’s true, men like unsecured surprises.



“My God, Lexi, you suck my dick like a pro.”

She’s killing me with the tease. I read Mitch’s book and can say it’s all right. I can’t think about the experiments she did. My dick is going to explode. This one works and I explode as soon as she swallows again.

“Lexi, fuck.”

Her eyes look up at me showing happy. I groan and hold on trying to breathe through the numbing sensation going down my back and trying to buckle my knees. The fucking woman is unbelievably sexy and she has no clue. I’m glad she’s mine and no one else does either.

Lifting her, I can stand and her legs go right around me. Both are a surprise. I kiss my sexy ol’ lady telling her how fucking hot that got me. Her breath is shallow. Grabbing a towel, I wipe the shit off the cabinet and set her in front of it. “You did everything just like the book and Copyright 2016 - 2024