Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,30

here. All these kids are smart.”

I nod. “The Alpha-Bits are small so they look like kids. Their brains are different like us. They do computer like me. They don’t talk like me or have trouble with new being scary though.”

“I thought they were like Garren. They’re not afraid, they’re cautious. For how they lived, cautious is good. A couple want to paint with Garren and me. I want to see the babies too.”

Ford talks to her about that. I look at Web. Télia is happy again. I smile at him for helping that. “She’ll like the babies.”

I nod. “Who named them? They don’t have all one letter.”

He smiles. “Alder and Ally from the Mass MC. She went to help while they were up there.”

I smile. “I love Ally. She’s Garren’s best friend Alex’s twin.”

He’s surprised. “How weird. They named them so they would be part of the whole group. A new beginning Alder said.”

I think about how their names are a new beginning while I finish breakfast. They’re babies so that’s new. They won’t get any more injected into them, they may be the first Alpha-Bits that aren’t programmed for the computer. That should be fun.

Akai comes for me. “I need to get to work. I’ll see you at IT after lunch. I’m scheduled for the threat files.”

He nods and kisses my lips. “I’ll see you after your sister lunch.”



I look at Akai. “Get me anything you find. I’m at Phoenix Inner Circle first thing.”

His face is his normal serious but his eyes show anger. “I will, Web. Techs pull more last night.”

I don’t want to alarm Alexia without knowing why he’s mad. It could be something else. “Flag it for me.”

He rogers then runs. Télia laughs. “He’s always so serious. He helped in the pool last night. I’m glad I got to see him smiling. Is he older?”

I nod. “The oldest. The As are the oldest.” Sonofabitch. “We’re missing the older Alpha-Bits. Shit. I gotta go.” I stand and remember my question. “What’s Alexia’s rank?”

My brother gives me a weird look. “SWAT. She’s been SWAT for years. She’ll never do that job, Web.”

Now I give him a look. “Neither will I. I train right with the Brothers, so I know what stay alert means. I also know how to shoot if I have to. I’m no terminator and don’t need to be. My Brothers keep me safe. They’ll keep her safe too. Knowing she’s SWAT means I know she’ll be aware of who is around her and if she says something’s off, something is off.”

He smiles. “You’re right, Dude. I’ll see you later.”

I nod and run. Fucking women are amazing. SWAT. On the chopper, I pull my glasses and look for why Akai is pissed. He’s got payment for Bs, Cs and Ds from the CIA. The fucking bastards even put the letter in it. Government money paying for this will piss off the senator. Alder will be at Phoenix. This is good, he’s hunting, not much gets past him. I’ll work with him today.

Running in the door, I go past the Prospect taking the stairs two at a time. “Web!”

I stop and almost fall back. A hand is on my lower back as the steps get closer behind me. “I got you, Brother. What’re you running to?”

“Thanks, Jinx. I’m glad you’re steady on your feet. IT. I want to see Alder before the meet. The older Alpha-Bits are still out there. Akai is twenty-six. Brody is a ten, Brann a five. We’re still missing the Gs from Ben’s original list. Something is off with the letters that were sold to the CIA besides the government money they used to buy them. I think it’s the dates. Brann isn’t the oldest B. I need the list of dates, it would match Crow and Beacon’s granddad.” I start walking up the last two stairs quick.

“Jesus fuck, slow down, Brother. The dates they were bought match the dates for Crow and Beacon’s grandfather?” Cort and his questions are tough when shit is spinning in my head.

“Yeah, Boss. The dates they died. Why the day they died? The money came from the government not a contract.” Turning into IT, I put my thumb on the keypad.

“Web, stop!”

I freeze. I don’t need to see him to know he’s pissed and right now that’s at me. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“It hit me that we’re missing older Alpha-Bits. The Bs would be the second group. Brann said they had only three for Copyright 2016 - 2024