Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,29

and won’t have your body in shock from the recoil. With the CIA threat, you need to keep the gun.” Web looks very serious.

I nod. “The threat didn't get close to here, right? I learned about the Director and couldn’t focus on Ops.” I should have asked before now. When I could think, the women took me away. All their talking kept me distracted. Sex is hard to squash down once it takes hold of your brain.

“It was a shit ton of money and planning to get that caliber of attack hitting all on the same day. They won’t stop so they need to be shut down. That’s through intel. We don’t have all the intel so the threat to you and the Alpha-Bits is high.” Commander Ford is waiting for me to acknowledge his words.

Holy moly. “Yes, Sir.”

Télia laughs making my head turn her way. “He’s just Ford.”

I nod holding Web’s hand tight. “Keep the gun on and be alert. We’ll keep anything from getting close. That doesn’t mean you don’t stay alert. People are crazy and find ways of getting in. We don’t always see it until they pull shit.” His hand squeezes mine for a second.

I nod. “I’ll keep the gun on. The Alpha-Bits from Sweden were in the simulator and range. They need a trainer. Is there one here that can train them? Prepared and alert is always good.” I’ll ask for a laser when the threat is gone. I’m glad Télia talks to Commander Ford and he’s not talking to me anymore.

Web looks confused. “They have training set up here.”

Now I’m confused. “They’re sloppy with shots. I know it’s a laser and wouldn’t matter. They should have better aim. When you’re nervous the aim is important. Sloppy may make the shot ineffective.”

Ford laughs. “You’re right. I’m glad you’re looking out for them.”

Web is typing so I eat. He always puts food on my plate. It’s a nice thing to do. “Only two showed for training. I’ll talk to them. This was the Sweden Alpha-Bits?”

I nod since my mouth is full of egg. “They’ve been here for a few days. I talked to Quincy and Quillon yesterday on chat.” He doesn’t need me to talk. “I’ll get with them and Zale. They’re older than the rest.”

Now I have something to say. “Laran is the one that acts older. He’s twelve and helps the others. It’s always on the computer. He doesn’t talk much.”

He nods. “I’ll find out what number he is. One, three, five, seven and nines are programmed with leadership shit.”

I nod eating a piece of bacon. That’s sad and scary. I saw the Labs. The kids lived like me in Quantico. One room was my world until I went out. I did go out. Training and going to the little store off grounds made my life good compared to theirs. When I turned eighteen, I worked in the office instead of my room. That was scary and I think good for me to see the other agents. I went to the store more and even made lunches. It was so I didn’t have to sit with the other agents. I got to pick what I wanted so it was good too.

“All odd numbers?” Télia asks.

Web nods. “The odd numbers got more than the evens. We have more even numbers here. The As had ten until just before they were sold. The last injection was too much for Antonio. He was a nine, twin to Anton. There aren’t many nines or twos. Alder is the only seven. Sevens were the models for the tests.”

I watch a tear roll down her face and squeeze Web’s hand again. He sees and smiles. “I’m so glad we got so many here. The two-year olds are so fucking cute. You should see them.”

She nods. “I saw the Rs. Alejandro was playing with them in the pool.”

I smile. “They’re almost the same age. The Rs are seven and really smart like Alejandro. Garren and Michael are teaching them languages on the computer. They have six down already.”

She smiles. “Alejandro is in third grade. You think he’s smart too?”

I nod knowing that would fix her focus. “He always has been. I didn’t do grades, but I know he can figure change at the ice cream cone. He does the tax right too.”

She nods. “Parents always think their kids are smart. He’s like Daniel, Micah and Bailey. I knew they were smarter than the nursery school kids but not other kids like Copyright 2016 - 2024