Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,26

know more than I do, you can explain that later too.”

She nods seriously. They’re all laughing again.

I give her the jewelry we got and she cries getting yelled at by the women. It makes her laugh. I’m never getting the women.

We get through a wedding that Banks officiates and Garren does his brother speech giving Alexia the ring from him and Michael. Alexia has rings for them. I watch Ford smiling. They’re so cute. They both get kissed on the cheek and Télia comes up giving Alexia a ring on a chain. It’s a family ring welcoming her into the family. I’m standing here wondering when I get to kiss the bride. Everyone is laughing. Cort tells me to kiss her already, so I do.

“I didn’t think it was ever going to stop.”

Brothers laugh hitting my back and hugging me. Alexia is hugged and welcomed to the Club by Cort and Raid. I love my Brothers. They told her why they were waiting and waited for her to agree. No one else but women and the Alpha-Bits hug her.

Alder shows being held by Phoenix. “I honor to add you to our Web-Alpha-Bit family, Boss Alexia.” He gives her an envelope smiling. She shows me a marriage license with her new name on it.

I shake my head then kiss his. “Thank you, Alder. I’m glad you came. It ranks up there with when I got the As, Alpha-Bits and my Ford family.”

He nods. “For Alpha-Bits too, Web. We honor to share you to Boss Alexia and our Brothers. Today important to all. Garren, Michael, Commander Ford, Miss Télia and Alejandro ours today.”

I take him from Phoenix and hug him. “Thank you, Brother.”

I set him down and Alexia bends to hug him. “I’m glad you took me in too.”

Alder rolls his eyes. “So many Alpha-Bits. We honor you say yes. Take us in.” He points to Asa. “Tail hair, too.”

Everyone is laughing. Asa is pissed. “House is new paint. No tail hair, mohawk is cool.” His arm’s cross and I pull Alexia away to Alpha-Bits and kids doing the cool chant.

“They’re all crazy.”

She laughs.


In our backyard, we watch the stars. “I like how you always sit on my lap.”

She holds my arms around her tighter. “The unit women always sit on the guy’s laps. I saw the bikers do too. Do you understand the biker-married?” She’s cute.

I was kidding. “Yeah. I knew most. Do you understand about the ring?”

“Yeah. Are we done out here?”

I smile. “I’ve been waiting for you to get your fill of the stars. I want this to be memorable and if it’s not, you have the stars.”

She laughs. “I’ve had my fill of the stars. I got more advice today. I’m not supposed to do anything but feel what I feel and let you lead the way. Debra said the rest can wait and new is always for both of us so there’s no pressure. The list comes later.”

I’ve heard about the list. The women are crazy. Brothers love everything, so we don’t care what the women want as long as it’s us. I carry her in glad we’re alone. “I think I’m going to like living here with just you. I didn’t like it much alone.”

“I only ever lived with the woman that raised me. When the FBI hired me, I lived alone.”

“That was at seventeen?”

She nods. “I’m excited, Web.”

I set her down in my room and kiss her. “I am too. You can change anything you want in here.”

Her hands on my belt stop anything else from coming out of my mouth. My hand goes to the zipper on her back. Her bra and panties are that same light blue-gray satin. Women are unbelievable with the details too. “So fucking sexy, Lexi.”

“I like the name you gave me.” Her hands move from my stomach up to my chest. “I like that you train too.”

“I hope you are going to keep telling me what you like.”

She nods as I lift her beautiful body up and lay her on the bed. “It’s in the advice. You won’t keep doing what I like if you don’t know.”

“Good advice.” My mouth finds her nipple and loves that she likes that. I move down getting more likes, then a love with my name mixed in. Back at her lips, I tell her I love her. “The perfect day ending in a perfect way, Lexi. Tell me you’re ready.” With a nod and kiss to my lips, I slide in loving that Copyright 2016 - 2024